The Law School won the Russian-German competition

The joint project of the SibFU Law School and the University of Passau «German-language course "German Law (DSG)"» became one of the winners of the competition the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships in the category «Interuniversity partnership».

On September 5, 2020 the diploma was presented to Lyudmila V. Mayorova, the representative of the Law School and the project coordinator from SFU. It was held as a part of the closing ceremony of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020. Besides, there also were: a broadcast from Berlin, access to the interactive conference «Russian-German dialogue in education and science: creating the future together» and exhibition stands on a virtual platform.

The Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships 2018-2020 was held under the supervision of Sergey V. Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Heiko Maas, Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Maksim V. Rumiantsev, rector of the SibFU: «We have a multilateral cooperation with Germany in the scientific and educational spheres. We are talking about projects in the field of linguistics, ecology and reclamation of industrial territories, and comparative law. This is always a mutually beneficial relationship, and I am glad that our joint project with the University of Passau was chosen by the experts.

It is the oldest partner of the University. Our cooperation began in the 1990s. If initially students and teachers were participants in academic mobility, now cooperation has become more intensive and multifaceted. Especially noteworthy is the German-language course "German law "(DSG), which includes training for students from Russia and Germany and the two-degree master's program "German and Russian Law".

We perceive as a high assessment of our work and as a sign of trust from the German side the fact that we got into the top of projects supported within the framework of the competition of the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships.»

In addition, the last twenty years of exchange demonstrate the steadily growing recognition and attractiveness of the DSG program in the academic and professional environment. Both participants and partner universities in Passau, Krasnoyarsk, and some Siberian cities largely benefit from international exchange and diverse academic cooperation, which are expressed primarily in highly qualified graduates. Graduates of these programs develop not only outstanding cross-cultural skills, but they also become leading experts. At the same time, they develop the German-Russian legal, economic and political relations as a result of their openness to international experience.

Additional information

The German-language course «German law» (DSG) was created at SibFU by virtue of the initiative of professors Zeewald and Finke. It has been funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) since 2001. Next year there will be a celebration of the 20-year highly successful existence of DSG. All students of law schools and faculties of several Siberian universities are eligible to participate in this program.

The German-language course is a unique additional education in foreign law, integrated into Russian legal education. Classes are conducted by German teachers and exclusively in German. In addition, participants in the DRG program can take one-month language courses at the University of Passau, as well as take part in a study trip around Germany.

Furthermore, graduates of the DSG program have the opportunity to postpone their studies at a Russian university in order to study for a year at the University of Passau and receive a «Certificate of Basic Knowledge of German Law». Upon completion of the Russian legal education (bachelor degree), graduates of the DSG program can study for a master's degree at the University of Passau. At the same time, they are given the choice of master's programs. For example, the double degree program «German and Russian law». The cooperation between the University of Passau and the Siberian Federal University reached a new level in 2014 because of this program. The second option is the master's program «German law for foreign students», which is being implemented at the University of Passau.

Cooperation with the Siberian Federal University is also attractive for German students, since they have the opportunity to study under the «Foreign Law» program in Krasnoyarsk. They also can participate in the SibFU International Summer School in Russian law. After a one-year study in Krasnoyarsk, German students can credit some results. Moreover, there is an opportunity to become a part of the double master's degree program «German and Russian law» and at the same time partially to take into account the educational and examination achievements received within the study.