Graduates of the master's program "Deutsches und Russisches Recht / German and Russian Law" received Master's degrees from the University of Passau (LL.M)

For 8 years, the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, together with the Law Faculty of the University of Passau, have been implementing a two-degree master's program "Deutsches und Russisches Recht / German and Russian Law".

The program is implemented on the basis of a single curriculum, the students of the program simultaneously study at two universities and upon successful completion of their studies receive two diplomas: a master's degree from SibFU and a master's degree from the University of Passau.

In February and March 2021, the graduates of the double degree program Anastasia Kondratenko (Redl and Partners), Viktoria Derkach (Redl and Partners), Anna F. Vasilieva (Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional Law of St. Petersburg State University) and Anna V. Pushkina (Senior Lecturer of the Department of Labor and Environmental SibFU Law) received LL.M.

This diploma is recognized worldwide as an international Master of Laws degree. We congratulate our graduates and wish them professional success!