SibFU Law School team and international humanitarian law

Screenshot_164.jpgOn April 21, the second International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Quiz was held. The IHL Quiz is an intellectual team competition taking place online in Russian for university students.

Teams competed to answer questions about IHL and related topics. Some questions were about the jurisdiction of the ICC and the famous «Tadic case», which was decided by the ICTY. There were also sections on the Hague law (methods and means of warfare) and Geneva law (protection of civilians and certain categories: journalists, ICRC representatives). The competition ended with a case where the participants had to determine the nature of the conflict and applicable law.

There were 40 teams from Russia and Belarus in the competition. The best team should have knowledge of international humanitarian law, ability to quickly answer questions, and fast reaction to the situation. According to the results of the competition, the places were distributed as follows:

1) 1st place - the team «Sibirskiye mezhdunarodniki» (SibFU Law School): Burnakina Anastasia, Fomina Svetlana, Kalinina Ekaterina.

2) 2nd place - the team «No quarter», (MSLU), which included a student of the SibFU Law School - Kostareva Alexandra

3) 3rd place - the team «Adepts of Pavlova», Belarusian State University.

We sincerely congratulate our students on the prizes, which once again confirms their high level of knowledge!