Russian students about human rights

foto_1_2.jpgThe competition is timed to coincide with the 45th anniversary of the signing of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the formation of the UN Human Rights Council. The event aimed to attract Russian students to research and study human rights issues in Russia and the whole world. Anastasia Burnakina, the 1st year master's student, participated as a representative of SibFU Law School

The competition consisted of several stages, which were organized online in March and April.

During the first stage, the participants passed a test dedicated to the history, development, and protection of human rights, as well as related fields (international humanitarian law, the institutional framework of the ECHR, the structural organization of the UN, etc.). 60 people with the highest scores were selected for the second stage. The participants were supposed to make a video presentation on certain legal problem. Anastasia prepared a video on the topic “International Bill of Human Rights: Minimum Human Rights Standard or Violation of the Principle of Cultural Relativism?”, which was especially appreciated by the jury.

foto_2_1.jpgThe final stage of the scientific competition concerning human rights was held in MGIMO on May 13-14, 2021 where the finalists of the Competition presented their scientific works before the expert jury.

We sincerely congratulate Anastasia Burnakina on her successful participation in the professional competition, where her knowledge and skills were duly appreciated by the professors of one of the leading universities in the country!