The IV All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, postgraduates and young scientists: “Legal Modernization’s influence on society and state development” took place in the Siberian Federal University Law Institute on April 8-9 2010

The Conference was held in the memory of the esteemed professor A.S.Gorelik. For those who could not have attended there was a possibility to send their articles. On the whole there were about 500 participants, 250 of them presented their reports during the Conference.

This year there were guests from 12 institutes of higher education of Siberian Federal District, particularly, a group of students from the Irkutsk Law Institute of Prosecutor’s General Office’s Academy of Russian Federation; students of the Altai State University Law Institute; students and lecturers of the Irkutsk State University Law institute; students of the Law Institute of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management; and others. Our institute also received the papers from students, postgraduates and young scientists of the Saint-Petersburg State University, the Moscow State University, the Russian University of Nations Friendship, the Saratov Academy of Justice. Moreover, the papers were received even from Ukraine and Byelorussia.

On the plenary meeting the participants were greeted by the Director of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, professor Irina Viktorovna Shishko, and also by professors and directors of departments of the Law Institute. A.D. Nazarov, a friend and colleague of A.S.Gorelik devoted his speech to the memory of A.SGorelik

There were 18 sections. On April 8 the thematic sections were held on:

  1. The role of Comparative law in legal modernization of Russian Federation (in English and German);
  2. Tendencies of legal entity legislation’s development;
  3. Legal aspects of labour and ecologic regulations’ modernization;
  4. Modernization of social security’s and social work’s legal ensuring as a criteria for the development of Russian society and state between XX and XXI centuries;
  5. Problems of criminal law’s modernization;
  6. Topical problems of criminology nowadays.

On April 9 meetings were held on:

  1. The problems of the Theory of Law and State;
  2. General-theoretical aspects of legal modernization;
  3. Constitutional-legal aspects of public authority’s modernization in Russia nowadays: formation, organization, functioning, cooperation with civil society;
  4. Administrative law and processes of public administration’s modernization;
  5. Development of the Civil Code of Russian Federation Concept: general statements;
  6. Development of the Civil Code of Russian Federation Concept: propriety interest and rights in personam;
  7. Topical problems of civil process;
  8. Legal means of economy optimization;
  9. Corruption as a society modernization’s obstacle;
  10. Problems of criminal law modernization;
  11. Criminal procedure in contemporary society;
  12. Influence of International law on Russian legal system’s modernization.

At the end of each section participants received diplomas of 1st and 2nd classes and awards.

By the beginning of the conference the electronic version with thesis of participants’ papers was issued. The collection of papers is planned to be published.