The seminar-discussion “Regulatory legal acts”

On April 4 the seminar-discussion “Regulatory legal acts” took place in the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Region’s Governor. The participators of the seminar were the Krasnoyarsk Region Governor’s Administration executives, officials of regional ministries, of Krasnoyarsk region public prosecutor’s office, Ministry of Justice and other agencies.

The authors and presenters of the seminar were experts in Administrative law, lecturers of Constitutional, Municipal and Administrative law Department: Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor L.A. Mitzkevich, senior lecturers E.G.Prihodko and A.F.Vasilyeva.

During the seminar the following matters were discussed on the grounds of contemporary doctrine of native and foreign Administrative law and existing law-enforcement practice:

  1. Legal features of regulative legal acts: doctrine and practice;
  2. Non-typical legal acts (mixed acts, general instructions);
  3. External and internal legal acts;
  4. The consequences of admission of an act as regulative and external.

At the end of the seminar the practical recommendations were worked out.