The lawyers of the Siberian Federal University guarantee “TO KNOW THE LAW”

A new program “To know the law” takes a start in the broadcasting grid of regional radio. It is prepared by the State Tele Radio Committee “Krasnoyarsk” and the Law Institute of the SFU. The authors of the project are the chief director of the “Radio Russia-Krasnoyarsk” Rim Mullayanov and the graduate of the delictology and criminology department of the Law Institute of the SFU, the curator of the Law Clinic of the SFU, Sergey Krasnousov.

The program is aimed to eliminate legal nihilism, to spread legal knowledge among citizens, having no legal education and being in need to be consulted on legal issues.

The topics of the program are defined by the audience indeed. They send them via letter or leaving them on the answering machine. The most topical themes are being chosen, while all the answers are being systemized and analyzed by the workers of the Law Clinic. The students of the high courses and lecturers are preparing answers. Sometimes the topic could be the most discussable issue in the society (for example, connected with a legislation change).

Due to the program the listeners will not only have general understanding about some of legal norms, but will also know about some norm application problems and, what is very important, get a lawyer’s piece of advice.

“A pilot issuing of programs and received feedback convinced us about the necessity of regular broadcasting on legal issues for the regional population”, - said Sergey Krasnousov. – “High-class legal aid is provided by the program to the Krasnoyarsk’s citizens.” Also such cooperation with the regional radio will be certainly profitable for the future professionals.

“Legal Clinic” in the radio format is the SFU’s social project, providing help to the unprotected groups of population”, - Rim Mullayanov emphasized. – “As far as I know, this is the first and still the last radio-project, which is entirely created by law-students working together with professional journalists.”

Reference information

Radio-program “To know the law” starts at 7.20 every last Monday of the month.
The broadcasting is on Ultrashort Waves 65,08, 68,69 MHz, Long Waves 216 KHz, wired radio network.
The releases of the program could be found on the Law Institute’s site in the section “News”: