Four students of the Comparative Law Department defended diplomas on-line.

In 2004 students of the CLD defended their graduation papers in foreign languages during an on-line conference with professors from Greifswald for the first time. Since that it has been a good tradition to defend diplomas before both Russian and foreign professors.

 From 16th to 18th of June 2010 the graduates of the CLD Anastasia Orlova (scientific adviser – L.A.Mitzkevich), Eugenia Shill (scientific adviser – K.N.Knyaginin), Tanya Pronina and Kristina Novoselskaya (scientific adviser – V.V.Tereshkova) successfully defended their graduation papers. Their opponents were the professors from the University of Passau (some of them specially arrived in Passau from other cities to participate in the on-line conference).

The peculiar feature of such conferences is that both sides ask questions in Russian or English/German, while the interpreter is the student himself. An author's abstract of scientific paper, presentation, a translated feedback and a review from a scientific adviser are sent to the professor-opponent in advance. Russian lecturers, who know foreign languages, should be present during a defence. A decision should be made by Russian state commission after an active discussion of Russian and foreign colleagues.

This year two papers were prepared on the Constitutional, Administrative and Municipal Department of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University. On the defence O.M.Migal, L.A.Mitzkevich, O.V.Ronzhina, and also O.E.Sherbinina, T.U.Sidorova,V.V.Tereshkova were present as participants of the state certification commissionProfessors H.-G.Dederer, U.Kramer, R.Vernsmann and R.Muller-Terpitz were the foreign opponents during the defence. The opponent was chosen with regard to his knowledge in the sphere of the research. For the papers made in the field of international and comparative law the assessment by foreign specialists is of particular importance.

The defence was successful: all the graduates got excellent marks and received certificates for defending graduation papers in two languages.

Such events are bringing the education process in Bologna course and, probably, make the opportunity of getting the “double diploma” in jurisprudence more real.

Photo report.
The presentation by Shill Eugenia: Legislation process in Germany and Russia.