Five out of seven! The first in the Siberian Federal District.

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Notaries from the five federal districts (Far-Eastern, Volga, Siberian, Uralian and Central) will participate in the refresher course “Actual issues of the Notary and notarial practice” from the 17th to the 26thof October.


The number of participants shows the Institute as the legal education foundation for the notaries from the majority of Russian Federation’s federal districts.

The program of the ten-day training will be opened by the President of the Federal Notarial Chamber of the Russian Federation – Maria S. Sazonova.

The training will be conducted by the leading specialists in the fields of civil law and notary: the SFU faculty, judges of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Court and Arbitration Court of the Krasnoyarsk Region, qualified notaries of the Krasnoyarsk Region.

The participants will acquire knowledge in various professional spheres, including conflict psychology, the features of notary’s conduct in a conflict situation. The latter is of particular urgency concerning the development of the mediation in the Russian Federation and its implementation on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Region through the agency of the Law Institute Mediation Center.