International conference in Krasnoyarsk

On the 14-16 of March, 2012 the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, the Krasnoyarsk regional department of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, and the General Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service conduct traditional and – this year – international Makarenkovskie readings in the Kansk juvenile reformatory (such conference has been held in Kansk juvenile correction facility for three times, once in two years).

Specialists from German prison departments, who work with juveniles and juvenile offenders, will participate in the 4th International Makarenovskie readings "Neomakarenkovskaia pedagogy in times of reforms of Russian correctional system and formation of juvenile justice". These specialists are: Doctor Miennen Gero Wilhelm, head of Justice Department of the Federal Land Berlin (Germany); Ellinger Anja-Kristina, deputy chief of the complex of prisons in Straubing (Bavaria); Schmidt Klemens Johannes, head of juvenile prison in Straubing (Bavaria).

Long-term cooperation of Krasnoyarsk University (SFU, Russia) and University of Passau (Germany) with the support of the DAAD program has contributed to the German specialists' participation in the Conference.

Public authority, representatives of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Krasnoyarsk Region, representatives of the delegation of Russian reformatories, specialists in educational and social sphere, representatives of departmental science of the Federal Penitentiary Service as well as representatives of universities also participate in the Conference.

One of large delegations of this Conference will be a delegation of students and professors of the Law Institute of the SFU. The head of this delegation is the doctor of law, Professor Irina V. Shishko.

Professors and students will present their research ideas, conduct educational activities and present sports equipment and books for the library to the juveniles.

On the 14-25 of March, 2012 in the course of the visit the German specialists with the assistance of specialists from the Law Institute will be acquainted with a great amount of institutes of the Krasnoyarsk Regional reformatory system. There is no secret in the fact that joint efforts of Russian General Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Krasnoyarsk Region and the Law Institute of the SFU, long-term productive cooperation of Krasnoyarsk Head Office and the University, courage and innovative approach of the Director of the Russian General Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service in Krasnoyarsk Region V.K. Shaeshikov resulted in accumulation of great experience in implementing of juvenile technology. It could be illustrated by the following: psycho-social and legal project "A step forward" which is aimed at making the juveniles of Kansk reformatory socially adaptable – headed by candidate of law, docent, head of the Criminal Procedure Department A.D. Nazarov; magistracy and Regional Research and Education Centre "Juvenile Justice" –headed by doctor of law, professor, head of Criminology and Tort Department N.V. Shedrin; juvenile service of the city – headed by the lecturer of the Criminology and Tort Department N.A. Nikitina, and other projects). Such innovative experience became an object of interest for our guests from Germany.

On the 17th of March, 2012 at 10 o'clock a.m., room 4-09 in the Law Institute of the SFU the German specialists will meet the students of the Comparative Law Department and lecturers of the Institute. The topic of the meeting is the mission of German lawyers in prevention of juvenile crimes and taking preventive safety measures towards dangerous offenders.

Students of the Comparative Law Department of the Law institute of the SFU will participate in the Conference as the interpreters for the German specialists.

There were no projects similar to Makarenkovskie Readings (participation of the "security, defense and law enforcement" agency, the Federal University of Russia, the international organization DAAD, the foreign university Passau, large number of participants-scientists, postgraduates, students and practitioners, including those from foreign penitentiary agency, holding of the main part of the Conference in the closed penitentiary institution), as well as in-depth trainings of German practitioners from penitentiary structures in Russia.

Translated by Olga Koroleva

Corrected by Andrej Petrochenko