Way to profession - 2012.

The Law Faculty of the Moscow State University, with the assistance of ‘White & Case’ Law firm and ‘Consultant Plus’ Company, announce a competition of student scientific works ‘Way to profession-2012’.

All students from Russian law faculties are invited to participate. Topics for the competition are elaborated by legal practitioners.

The winners will be awarded by the organizers of the competition, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Germany), as well as the leading International and Russian law firms.

The deadline for submitting works is 30th April, 2012.

Read more on the Moscow State University’s web-site: http://www.law.msu.ru/node/20232. Send the works to M. A. Lyshechkina, the competition coordinator: MarinaLu@yandex.ru

Best regards,

‘White & Case’ team

Translated by Daria Druschinina

Corrected by Andrey Petrochenko