Department of Foreign and Comparative Law

  • The Head of Department – candidate of law, associate professor
    Mishina Irina Dmitrievna
  • tel. num. 206-23-29 

The foreign and comparative law department was created with the aim to educate students at the «International and foreign law» specialty in July, 2002.

The Department organizes educational, scientific, methodological work of professors of the Law Institute and also invites foreign professors to conduct courses in foreign law.

Special education includes: intensive course of foreign language; comprehension of fundamental provisions of foreign, international and European law, social competence training.


Courses of Comparative Law Department are conducted by:

  1. candidate of law, associate professor L.A. Sharnina, «Organization of municipal self-administration in foreign countries» (in 2009-2010 academic years was replaced by special course «Freedom of information in international and foreign law»);
  2. candidate of law, associate professor A.F.Mizkevich, doctor of law, professor N.V. Shedrin, assistant of the department of tort law and criminology N.V. Chlonova, «Criminal punishment and security measures under the criminal law of Russia and FRG»;
  3. candidate of law, associate professor T.P. Shishmareva, candidate of law, associate professor M.V. Kratenko, «Civil law institutes (comparative law aspect)»;
  4. assistant of the foreign law department O.M. Kylina, «Methodology of comparative law science»;
  5. candidate of law, associate professor V.V. Tereshkova, «Introduction to human rights theory (comparative law aspect)»;
  6. candidate of law, associate professor N.G. Stoyko, «Criminal procedure in foreign states (comparative law aspect)»;
  7. candidate of law, associate professor A.F. Mizkevich, «Computer crimes under international, foreign and Russian law»;
  8. candidate of law, associate professor O.V. Ishutina, «International and comparative tax law»;
  9. candidate of law, associate professor V.V. Tereshkova, «International legal aspects of the human rights theory».

Foreign and comparative law Department closely cooperates with foreign universities, funds and participates in various international programs.

Since 2002 professors of the German fund «Robert Bosch» lecture (in German) to students of «the International and foreign law» specialty on constitutional, administrative, civil and criminal law of Germany. In 2008-2009 academic years, lector of the fund was Tina Laufer.

Michael Wallraf, lector of DAAD fund, advises students on issues of German language.

During several years judge sheriff from Scotland, James Peterkin Scott, conducts special course, entitled «Criminal law and procedure of Scotland», and judge sheriff Derek Pile – «Civil law and procedure of Scotland».

Since 2000, our colleagues from the University of Tilburg (Universität von Tilburg – UvT – the Netherlands)

In September-October 2008, on the 10th anniversary of Comparative law Department, our foreign guests conducted the following lectures: professor B.R. Roermund – «Criticism and justification of human rights», professor F. Dunkel – «Juvenile justice in EU», professor M. Finke – «Criminal procedure of FRG», professor V. Nekroshus – «European civil process», doctor Frau H. Peters – «The usage of multimedia devices in studying jurisprudence in foreign language», professor Ch.K. Kim – «Comparative corporate and commercial law», professor A. Otto – «Introduction to the Common law of Great Britain and legal reasoning in court decisions», judge sheriff J. Scott – «Criminal law and procedure of Scotland».

In 2009, British professor Christopher Mark Cotton lectured to students the special course «International law and problems of state sovereignty».

The Department takes into account principles and values of Bologna process; works with students who studied in foreign universities, officially recognizes results of foreign university education; cooperates with the professors from Europe and Asia.