Commercial, Entrepreneurial and Financial Law Department

Acting Department Chairman is Irina Victorovna Shishko, Doctor of Law.

Cabinet: 2-11B

Phone: 2-062-368


Duty of professors

Methodological materials

Commercial, Entrepreneurial and Financial Law Department was founded in 2000 on the base of section of economic and legal sciences. From 1993 to 1997 this section was the part of Department of Employment and Economic Law. In 1997 it became an independent division.

At the time of changes in ownership relations and creating a market economy in Russia establishing this section was one of the ways to prepare graduates of the Law Faculty of Krasnoyarsk State University for the new conditions.

The backbone of the new education composed of Assistant professor Djomin A. V (the subject of scientific interest are questions of Financial Law), Assistant professor Ishutina O. V. (dealing with scientific research at the junction of Financial and Civil Law), Assistant professor Klyk N. L. (dealing with scientific research of Civil Law) and Assistant professor Nadeljaeva N. F. (dealing with scientific research of Economic Law). Nowadays 8 permanent staffers and 9 members of part-time staff work for this Department. The Department provides Law Institute with teaching such disciplines as company, corporate, financial, commercial, entrepreneurial, banking, tax, customs and foreign exchange law and also securities, government regulation of economic relations, legal regulation of money circulation and monetary system in Russia.

The Department has organized personnel training through postgraduate study and competition (Assistant professor Klyk N. L. supervises three aspirants and applicants). In 1999 graduate of postgraduate study received Candidate of Law degree.

Teaching is based on the existing practice problems. In particular, the theme of research and coursework offered on the basis of questioning of law enforcement officials. Questionnaire is also used if professors are invited to teach on the postgraduate department of economic faculty, including presidential program of management training, training employees in the securities market and retraining of Regional Administration and Local Government workers.

Employees of the Department participated in organization and conducting some scientific conferences in Institute (1999, 2001, 2008) and took part in some conferences of other Universities especially Tomsk State University. In 2002 the Department published a collection of articles which is called “Consistency in law: the issues of intra-and interbranch interactions”. It was prepared on the base of discussion at the Round Table, initiated by assistant professor Djomin A. V. Professors from other departments also participated in discussion.

Commercial, Entrepreneurial and Financial Law Department also participated in the preparation and carrying out of the international scientific-practical conference "The financial system of Russia: experience and prospects of legal regulation" (4-5 September 2008, Krasnoyarsk city). It was organized by the Siberian Federal University with financial support of the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.  The conference was attended by professors, assistant professors, aspirants of Belarus, Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Switzerland, businesses, state and local authorities and judges.

Under the cooperation agreement concluded between SFU and Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce, Commercial, Entrepreneurial  and Financial Law Department of the Law Institute organized the scientific-practical conference on "Mediation in Crisis: theoretical and practical aspects" (Klyk N. L., Egorova L. U, Yatsenko A. S., Demyanenko E. V., and others). The conference was held on the 26th of March 2010 with the support of Krasnoyarsk regional department of the Russian public organization "Association of Lawyers of Russia", the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Krasnoyarsk Region, the Central Siberian Chamber of Commerce and the Information center "Spark".

Scientific life of the department also is not standing still:

In 2008 Klyk N.L. wrote an educational book “The place of securities in the civil law”.

Recently, her monograph “The securities as the result of evolution of economic rights” was published in reference retrieval system “Consultant plus”.

Alexander Vasilyevich Djomin, assistant professor of the Commerce, Commercial, Entrepreneurial and Financial Law Department, was one of the authors of a monograph “Principles of Russian law” (general theoretical and applied material), written in Saratov State Academy of Law. He prepared the part “Principles of tax liability”.

He also wrote a monograph “Norms of the Tax Law” and it was published by SFU. Nowadays it’s the almost the only monograph which includes complex research of the doctrine of the norm of law in relation to the Tax Law.

Also it is necessary to mention that N. L. Klyk took part in conference which was held by the Law Faculty of the Saint Petersburg State University on the 10th of September 2010. The question to discuss was the bill “About Innovation Center “Skolkovo” which is presumed to be the Center of development of the new ideas in Russia. She spoke on the topic “Optimization of legal means to ensure the activities of the innovation center “Skolkovo””. The main idea of it was the use of contractual forms which are tested by world economic experience. Such forms on the one hand lead to reducing of social labor in economics (the main source of countries and nations wealth as Adam Smith said) and on the other hand are more protected from arbitrary enforcement.


Permanent staff of the Department

Shishko Irina Viktorovna — Doctor of Law, professor, Acting Department Chairman;

Shepel Tamara Viktorovna — Doctor of Law, professor of the Commercial, Entrepreneurial  and Financial Law Department;

Djomin Alexander Vasilyevich — Candidate of Law, Assistant professor (Financial Law, Tax Law);

Demyanenko Elena Vladimirovna — Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director of Law Institute on a teaching department;

Egorova Larisa Juryevna – Candidate of Law, Assistant professor (Commercial Law), the head of Centre of Additional Vocational Training;

Efremova Ekaterina Sergeevna — Candidate of Law, Senior Lecturer (Tax Law, Financial Law);

Klyk Nadezhda Leonidovna — Candidate of Law, Assistant professor (Commercial Law, Securities, Company Law, Theory of civil contract);

Nadeljaeva Nina Fedorovna — Candidate of Law, Assistant professor (Economic Law, government regulation of economic relations);

Jacenko Aleksandr Sergeevich — Senior Lecturer (Banking Law, Entrepreneurial Law)


Members of part-time staff

Shepel Tamara Viktorovna - Doctor of Law, professor (magistracy);

Nikolaev Aleksej Viktorovich — Senior Lecturer (Customs Law);

Serebrennikov Sergej Vladimirovich — Senior Lecturer (legal regulation of money circulation and monetary system in Russia);

Skorobogatko Aleksandr Viktorovich — Senior Lecturer (Foreign Exchange Law);

Kochelorova Evgenija Sergeevna – assistant lecturer (Economic Law);

Puchkarev Evgenij Gennadyevich – Senior Lecturer (Financial Law);

Demakova Evgenija Sergeevna - Assistant professor (commodity research and expertise in customs business);

Protopopova Tatyana Vitalyevna - Candidate of Law, Assistant professor (Economic Law, government regulation of economic relations);

Zhilin Maksim Gennadjevich – assistant lecturer (base of customs business).

Anikin Dmitrij Jurjevich – assistant of the Department.