Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:48

Comparative Law Department

{xtypo_dropcap}C{/xtypo_dropcap}omparative Law Department was created in 1998 as the organizational unit for training specialists in “International and Comparative Law”.

The necessity to prepare highly qualified lawyers was the reason of launching Comparative Law Department. The level of qualification should correspond the world standards and let the graduates be included in world and European legal culture, know foreign languages, foreign law and be capable to carry out legal support of international contacts of Krasnoyarsk region in the field of economy, policy, finance, science, culture and education.

{xtypo_info}The students of the department get profound knowledge of a foreign language - the general and legal English or German vocabulary; foreign, European and Russian law in comparative aspect.{/xtypo_info}

The work of the Department of Comparative Jurisprudence is supported by the international program of European Community "ТEMPUS-TACIS", programs of German service of the academic exchanges (DААD) АHP, ISAР, DSG and German Foundation of Robert Bosch at the organizational, personnel and financial levels. The foreign law is taught to the students by lecturers and professors of universities of Grajfsvald and Passau (Germany) and Tilburg (the Netherlands), students of other Siberian universities (Law institutes of Irkutsk and Tomsk universities, law departments of Barnaul, Kemerovo and Omsk universities) participate in educational process of the department.

The students are enrolled in Comparative Law Department from among the students enlisted on the 1st course of the internal form of training in "Jurisprudence" after introductory tests, testing and interview in a foreign language.

Meanwhile at Comparative Law Department (1-5 courses) 155 students – bachelors and specialists – are trained at the internal department on the basis of budgetary and contractual financing.

Since 2003 till 2008 Comparative Law Department graduated 141 specialists and 48 bachelors, from them 36 students received honour degrees.

The educational process at the Department inherits a rather remarkable feature – foreign lecturers conduct lessons in the form of one or two week plunges. For this time the students of the Department are released from other lessons. Students of other Siberian universities join the students of Siberian Federal University.

{xtypo_info}Lectures in the German and English languages are read for students of the Department by professors, lecturers and practical workers from foreign universities and judicial bodies.{/xtypo_info}

During 10 years more than 100 students have been trained at foreign universities during one or two semestres.

Every summer for those students who learn the German language Summer Academy is organized and lecturers from Germany are invited to read lectures there. The same is for students learning English. The professors and assistants from Germany, the Netherlands, the USA conduct Summer Law School classes.

{xtypo_sticky} Internet technologies, multimedia equipment and linguistic laboratories are widely used in educational process at the Department. Since 2004 till 2007 students defended on-line their graduation projects in two languages – German\English and Russian. During defense of graduation projects German professors were in Graisfald University, Germany.{/xtypo_sticky}

Throughout its life-span at the Department of Comparative Jurisprudence special courses on foreign and comparative law were read by foreign lecturers J.Kock, A.Ammberg, V.Ioks, M.Finke, I.Regge, H. Peters, K.Peters, F.Dunckel, A.Krets, S.Borich, A.Kalmthout, B.Roermund, F.Pennings, T.Kruessman, I.Mante, V.Zeevald, S.Gueze, S.Lang, D.Jakobash, K.Roze, K.Wild, R.Rassov, K.Iffland, T.Budde, S.Taekema, T.Homan, D.Scott, V.Boilke, S.Rektsigel, D.Gilles, D.Peil and others.

Furthermore, qualified Russian lecturers trained at foreign universities also provide the quality of training at the Department: Prof. A.Tarbagaev, doctor of legal sciences, Prof. N.Schedrin, candidate of legal sciences O.Ishutina, N.Kachur, V.Kasho, K.Knyaginin, L.Maiorova, L.Mitskevich, A.Mitckevich, A.Nazarov, E.Petrova, T.Sidorova, N.Stoiko, E.Tarbagaeva, V.Tereshkova, L.Sharnina, T.Shishmareva. Associate professors L.Gotsko and E.Melnikova and providing English German languages training at the Department did training courses under TEMPUS and DААD projects.

Meanwhile, the former graduates of the Department undergo top skill professional training through postgraduate study. They are taught by the Russian lecturers, who passed training at foreign universities, and by the foreign professors from the European universities-partners.

In 2002 foreign and comparative law chair  was set up. Since that time   it has provided teaching of special courses such as methodology of comparative law; introduction to administrative law of Germany; computer crimes under international, foreign and Russian law; municipal bodies of foreign countries; a special course on “International Moot Court”, etc.

{xtypo_info}At the present moment both experienced and young lecturers M.Kratenko, candidate of juridical sciences, and O.Kylina, junior lecturer, cooperate at the chair.{/xtypo_info}

Some facts about the Comparative law department life over 2007-2008 academic year:

  • the team of the CLD students entered the tens top of the best teams at the prestigious Philip C. Jessop International Law Moot Court Competition in Moscow (English is a working language);
  • students of the department passed tests in English / German languages taken by the commissions of German and Dutch  professors ,and by lecturers of Siberian law higher schools who took tests in courses placed on the educational portal of these higher schools.

Educational-methodical complexes on the disciplines placed on the portal, are worked out as a result of Russian lecturers training in foreign higher schools:

  • six third year students are awarded with Oxford foundation scholarship
  • six out of 19 2008 alumni got excellent degrees diplomas;
  • owing to cooperation with the SFU Institute of philology and language communication chair of applied linguistics institute students of CLD got diplomas on additional qualification as a professionally orientated translators the first time in Law institute history. This diploma proves, that our alumni are able to translate from English or German legal languages professionally. All subsequent alumni (bachelors and specialists) are eligible to get two diplomas – that of a lawyer and a translator.

In September, 2008 the Institute organised and spent two large international scientific and practical conferences in which more than 30 foreign jurists took part:

  • “Russian financial system: experience and prospects of legal regulation” and
  • “Comparative law: science, methodology and academic subject».

Foreign participants highly estimated the level of the conferences and scientific discussions corresponding European and international standards.

The Criminal Law chair regularly organises and holds scientific and practical seminars of the European Council on urgent problems of struggle against the organised crime and corruption in which experts of the Council and professors and practical workers almost from all European countries take part.

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Read 7043 times Last modified on Tuesday, 18 September 2012 03:39

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