Tuesday, 26 May 2009 11:39

Free legal Internet-advice to citizens


Professors, lecturers, post-graduate students, students of SFU Law institute have launched implementation of the unique for Russia noncommercial project- giving free professional legal Internet advice to citizens.


 We congratulate N. Schedrin (Dr. of legal sciences, professor, Head of the chair of tort and criminology, project supervisor), lecturers and post-graduate students  I.Damm,  A.Vostokov, S.Odintsova,  A.Rechitsky, N.Hlonova on a victory and grant reception in prestigious competition of research projects of  Russian humanitarian scientific foundation (RHSF). A project theme is "Theory of legal regulation and application of security measures: fundamental and applied aspects”.

We wish you fruitful work!

Monday, 25 May 2009 11:08

Law Institute

Siberian Federal University was established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the 28th of November, 2006. The institution integrated four large higher education institutions (Krasnoyarsk State Technical University, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Construction, Krasnoyarsk State University, State University of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold) into one 43 000-student university. The first two institutions can trace their roots back to 1956 when Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute, the predecessor of these institutions, was founded. The Institute of Nonferrous Metals was set up as a branch of the Moscow Mining Academy, which was founded in 1918. Krasnoyarsk State University was established in 1969 as an institution working in close partnership with the Russian Academy of Sciences. The aim of the merger was to build a pool of skilled specialists to contribute to the emergence of the area as a significant industrial centre, with the well-qualified workforce, natural resources and industries to compete globally.


Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:14

Our Alumni

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}he fact that our graduates reach socially significant posts and ranks is the best guarantee that Law Institute of Siberian Federal University provides high quality education. Let’s name some of our graduates:

Alumni of 1972:

Tamara Ivanovna Mashkina – Head of Regional Pardon Commission;
Vladimir Ivanovich Dorokhov – Head of Krasnoyarsk Regional Central Department of Federal Service;

Alumni of 1974:

Valentina Nikolaevna Sinelnikova – Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor of UNESCO copyright chair of International Law and Economics Institute of A.S.Griboedov,
Nikolay Ivanovich Trutsuk – Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russian Federation in Eritrea;

Alumni of 1975:

Victor Nikolaevich Nosov – Chairman of Supreme Court of Republic of Khakassia,
Alexander Jakovlevich Bugrej – President of Notarial Chamber of Krasnoyarsk region;

Alumni of 1976:

Alexander Viktorovich Uss – Doctor of Legal Sciences, Honorable Lawyer of Russian Federation, Chairman of Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region;
Alexander Petrovich Moskalets – First Vice-president of Committee of Constitutional Legislation and State Construction of Russian Duma;
Vladimir Filippovich Dvoekonko – Chairman of Krasnoyarsk Regional Court;

Alumnus of 1980:

Vladimir Fedorovich Zinyk – Public Prosecutor of Kaliningrad region;

Alumnus of 1981:

Vyacheslav Mihajlovich Tchebotaryov – Public Prosecutor of Vladimir region;

Alumnus of 1983:

Anatoly Alekseevich Muzalevsky – Honorable Lawyer of Republic Khakassia, Deputy Chief of Judicial department in Republic of Khakassia;

Alumnus of 1986:

Natalia Evgenevna Sukhodolskaya – Chairperson of Arbitrage Court of Kursk region;

Alumnus of 1993:

Vadim Viktorovich Medvedev – Vice-governor of Krasnoyarsk region, Head of Property Department of Krasnoyarsk regional administration;

Alumni of 1994:

Andrey Vladimirovich Sharov – Director of Civil Service Department of Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation,
Irina Vasilevna Astanina – Head of Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of Federal Agency on Management of Federal Property;

Alumnus of 1997:

Andrey Jurevich Ivanov – Department of a budgetary policy of the Ministry of Finance of Russia, Deputy director.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:11

Information-legal Technologies

Laboratory of information-legal technologies is one of the significant divisions of Law institute providing educational and research process.

For successful development of information technologies the branched out local network has been created at the Institute including:

  • Three computer classes of the general access, three law-linguistics laboratories, computer-criminalistic laboratory;
  • All chairs, administrative and methodical divisions.

The computer park accounts for more than 300 computers, 6 servers, about 40 printers and 20 multipurpose systems. This transport basis with an exit in a global network «Internet» grants access to legal databases "Lawyer", "Guarantor", "Adviser Plus", "Code", " Legislation of Russia".

The created information infrastructure allows Institute lecturers and students to search with the least time expenses and study legal documents, receive a considerable quantity of necessary scientific and other information, to carry out e-mail correspondence and to display information, methodical materials, electronic course programmes for general use, to use the electronic catalogue of the university library, as well as libraries of Russia and other countries.

The Institute site presenting all aspects of the Institute life has been created.

Practically all Law institute classrooms are equipped by the multimedia devices (stationary presentation complexes, portable presentation complexes, boards of a direct and return projection, interactive-plasma panels), that has allowed to reach qualitatively new level of maintenance of educational process. A number of disciplines are provided with video lectures.

Within the international programmes framework final qualifying works defense is conducted in foreign languages in the course of teleconferences with foreign professors participation.

Computer techniques are actively applied to the training process:

  • moot systems on criminalistics are used within the "Computer modeling of process of investigation of crimes" course;
  • the computer technology of screen processing of remedial document texts – is used within the " Civil procedural law" course;
  • in a computer class students are trained  to draw up various procedural acts using  editors within the special course "Procedural acts of preliminary investigation";
  • the programme on theory of crimes qualification has been developed;
  • the system of remote computer control and self-testing of students' knowledge almost in all disciplines is set up on the Law Institute server;

All conferences, international seminars and other events are carried out with the information-legal technologies laboratory employees' assistance. The laboratory supports creation of educational-methodical complexes, history of the Institute design. Laboratory employees take an active part in the SFU innovative educational projects.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:08

International Activity

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}he Law institute actively co-operates with foreign partners. The international cooperation is conducted with higher schools of such countries as Germany, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, the Lithuanian Republic, Finland, Great Britain, Czech Republic and others. The long-term contacts exist with Germany and the Netherlands which allow to carry out the academic exchange of lecturers and students.

{xtypo_info}The institute has concluded bilateral agreements with universities of Graifsvald and Passau (Germany), Chunbuk university (Republic of Korea), Vilnius university (the Lithuanian Republic), Karlov university (Czech Republic). Cooperation with them allows SFU LI students to have an opportunity of inclusive training, defend final qualifying works on-line in foreign languages, be trained in joint postgraduate study and for master's degree.{/xtypo_info}

The most well-known and mass programme is "German-speaking club on German law".

 Classes are conducted in German. Every summer the International summer law academy is arranged where foreign lecturers are also invited. Classes are conducted in the German and the English languages. The students successfully completed training on the programme are granted a semester or a year scolarship to be trained at University of Passau Law Department. Apart from LI students of other Siberian higher law schools participate in the programme (Tomsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Barnaul, Irkutsk). The co-ordinator of the program between German partners and Siberian higher schools is associate professor L.Maiorova.

{xtypo_info}Robert Bosch Foundation lectorate has been working at the Institute since 2005 in the framework of which LI students study German law in the German language. The purpose of the lecturing programme is to promote the German language learning and country studying, develop humanitarian and social sciences (including jurisprudence ) in Central and Eastern Europe.{/xtypo_info}

Over 10 semesters the students of Siberian Federal University Law Institute master the German legal language, bases of German legal techniques, German constitutional, administrative, civil, labour, criminal law and European law. Lectures in German are read by German senior lecturers from universities of Germany.

The lecture center of DAAD Foundation “German-speaking curriculums” has been functioning since 2008. The purpose of this course is to give the Russian students the possibility to deepen knowledge of the German language and to get to know various branches of German law. Students should be prepared to stay in Germany with the purpose of training, further legal activity in Germany and establishing contacts in Germany.

{xtypo_rounded3}According to the agreement on cooperation between Siberian Federal University and University of Passau the Programme of A.Hertzen is carried out. The Programme purpose is assistance in teaching of German and European law in   Siberian Federal University Law Institute; stimulation of carrying out scientific research in the field of comparative law; sharing  western experience in teaching law; training Russian lawyers to be experts both in German and European law and German lawyers in Russian law; providing financial support to Siberian Federal University and sharing experience with other Siberian Universities.{/xtypo_rounded3}

Established  at Siberian Federal University Law Institute  “Russian-German Centre” actively co-operates with it. German Club is organised and constantly works for students and lecturers There is a large collection of literature in foreign languages in the Law Institute library.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:06

Legal clinic

 SFU Legal clinic was set up in April, 1998 on the basis of a public reception of Krasnoyarsk regional public committee on protection of human rights and has been a structural division of SFU LI since 2001 and since that time up to November, 2007 the clinic was managed by the Dr. of legal Sciences, professor, head of the SFU LI criminal law chair, Honoured lawyer of the Russian Federation – A.Gorelik.

The legal clinic activity is aimed at:

  • Combination of theoretical and practical training of LI students;
  • Education of lawyers with a high standard of legal consciousness and culture and possessing skills of practical work;
  • Distribution innovative forms and methods of training of lawyers;
  • Rendering free legal advice to people who owing to life circumstances cannot afford to get it for money; providing their access to justice;
  • Legal education of the population.

Training of students in legal clinic begins after their completion of the second year optional educational program «Professional skills of the lawyer» (Moot clinic). This optional programme is an interdisciplinary theoretical-practical one and is aimed at forming general basic skills of legal activity, and at acquaintance with morally-ethical aspect activity of the lawyer in modern society as well.

Annually in September the individual selection of the 3-4 year students for the clinic is announced. Prior to work with clients of the clinic, students complete additional training on “The Basics of clinical activity” (Moot clinic), aimed at continuation of formations and development of legal activity skills. Based on the results of the training the decision on the student’s admission or refusal to work with Clinic cases is taken.

The basic directions of Legal clinic activity:

  • Reception and consultation of citizens in public reception offices. Work in the Public reception office allows a student to acquire additional knowledge in civil, housing, family, labour etc., legislations to acquire skills of working with a client, to learn  to analyze problems of clients and to give advice to draw up legal documents, such as claims, complaints, etc.
  • Protection and representation of rights and interests of citizens on civil and to criminal cases in the courts of the general jurisdiction and in arbitration courts, in state authorities and local government, establishments and other organisations. The given activity allows students to get to know work of the courts, the mentioned bodies and other organisations, to acquire complex skills of judicial representation.
  • Legal advice to the condemned (advice on correspondence; work with condemned in reformatories; project “the Step towards” - the project of correctional camps for the condemned minors of Kansk and Abakan reformatories. The project objective is formation of positively-directed, effective social competence reducing risk of recidivism after their release among the condemned).
  • Juvenile direction “Live law” - work at schools, and also conduction of psihological-legal intensive courses for certain target groups.
    Protection of citizens’ rights against wrongful acts of law enforcement bodies officers (“Struggle against tortures in militia”).
Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:03

The additional vocational training

One of priority directions of Law Institute development is formation of additional vocational training system in the field of jurisprudence. The Centre for additional vocational training as a part the Institute was set up under the SFU rector's order on 28.07.2008 №993.

Conditions for conducting classes with use of the up-to-date educational techniques, including role plays, multimedia presentations and case-technologies are available in the Centre. The state sample documents are issued according to the training results.

Classes are conducted both by LI lecturers, and invited specialists-practitioners, namely, heads of Federal bailiff service divisions, regional Agency on maintenance of judges of the peace activity, and Krasnoyarsk region administration Council as well.

In spite of the fact that the Centre of additional vocational training has been recently established, it has already started implementation of the advanced training programme, having won competition on the conclusion of the state contract with Administrative office of Krasnoyarsk region administration.Judges of the peace assistants, court clerks and secretaries of judicial sites became the first trainees. In July, 2008 they receive the first certificates of short-term advanced training. Trainees emphasise high professional level of the lecturers, informative content of the classes and good organisation of the educational process. BPULE is planning to work out and implement programmes covering all forms of additional vocational training, including advanced training.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:02

Pre-university training

SFU Law Institute one of the first in the country started to build up the system of the pre- university legal education. In 1996 the Department of the additional legal education (since 01.01.2008-LI SFU Branch of pre-university legal training (BPULE) was set up to meet this goal.

LI SFU BPULE work is conducted with active help and support of Krasnoyarsk region Agency of Education, Krasnoyarsk city administration Main Department of Education, Kirovsk district of Krasnoyarsk city Department of Education. These relations are built up on the creative cooperation contracts basis.

Experience on pre-university legal education has gained approval: BPULE was entrusted by Krasnoyarsk region Administration and Krasnoyarsk region Administration Counsel to provide implementation of the pre-university legal education Concept (Dr. of Legal sciences Professor V.Shafirov is the author of the Concept).

Now in Krasnoyarsk region schoolchildren pre-university legal education system has already developed.

For years of BPULE together with SFU Inter-regional law college have created a network of educational sites in schools and additional education establishments; teachers' training and pupils' research work are carried out.

BPULE conducts professionally focused legal education in the following forms:

  • School leavers training;
  • Civil-law (preprofile) education and upbringing of schoolchildren;
  • Primary-professional (profile) legal education of schoolchildren;
  • Research work.
Tuesday, 19 May 2009 22:00

Students’ scientific research work

{xtypo_dropcap}L{/xtypo_dropcap}aw institute students' scientific research work (SSRW) is supported and develops. Students take an active part in international, Russian and regional scientific conferences.

At the first International migratory forum "Labour migration in the Eurasian region: tendencies, problems and cooperation ways" (Vladivostok, May, 29-30th, 2008) the SFU LI 5 year student S.Odintsova presented the report "Scales and tendencies of migration in Krasnoyarsk region" (Scientific supervisor – N.V. Schedrin) being awarded by the diploma of Primorsk Regional Administration.

{xtypo_info}The 4th year student of the Comparative  law department A.Isakova as the result of preliminary selection of scientific works became the only representative of Russian Federation at the international conference "Role of the UN international court in territorial disputes resolution" (Odessa, April, 2008, the conference organiser – European Law Students Association ) where she presented the report "Significance of international judicial bodies decisions for national  legal systems " in English (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova). Conference materials are published in English.{/xtypo_info}

At the inter-regional scientific-practical conference "Siberian Youth in Russian science" (Krasnoyarsk, April, 2008) the 4-th year S.Kuznetsova was awarded the third prize ( scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

At scientific-practical conference "Urgent problems of Russian law and legislation" (Krasnoyarsk, April, 2008) the SFU LI 4-th year student S.Serova was awarded the first prize for the presented "Protection of children in armed conflicts" (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

The post-graduate student V.Kaminsky presented his report on the pupils' of reformatories for minors resocialization project " Step towards" at the international conference "Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe – current situation, reform developments and good practices» (Italy, Verona, March, 2008). The project is financed by the European commission on justice and internal affairs «АGIS».

The institute annually conducts interuniversity scientific student's conference. In 2008 SFU and other higher schools' students (KrasAA, SibLI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation) took an active part in it. The best reports made by SFU LI 2nd year student A.Kim on "the Legal nature of paperless securities» (I.Bogdanova – scientific supervisor). SFU LI students became regular winners of students' All-Russia and international scientific competitions and the Olympiads.

{xtypo_sticky}In regional round on SFO the All-Russia competition of student's scientific works of law high schools Association (in 2007) V.Ponomarenko – the Diploma of 1 degree, S.Kuznetsova the diploma of 2 degrees, E.Serova – the Diploma of 3 degrees became winners in "international law" nomination (V.Tereshkova – scientific supervisor); D.Nazarov – the Diploma of 1 degree became a winner in "civil law" nomination ( I.Bogdanova – scientific supervisor).{/xtypo_sticky}

In the federal round of the same competition the first prize went to a post-graduate student S.Likhachev ("The criminal law place among criminal law legal systems of the present", scientific supervisor – S.Bushmin) and the 4-th year student V.Ponomarenko's ("On application of unpublished international treaties", scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

The 4-th year student S.Kuznetsova (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova) was awarded the 3rd prize in the second round of the All-Russia students' Olympiad  on jurisprudence in"international law" nomination (Omsk city, March, 2008).
Together with International organisation RKT (Prison reform), MDFSPE in Krasnoyarsk region the International competition of works and the Round table on the subject of "Death penalty problems – for and against" were held in SFU (Krasnoyarsk city, April, 2008, person responsible for the event- associate professor A.Nazarov).

In the regional round of All-Russia students' law Olympiad (Irkutsk city, April, 2008) the 4-th year student V.Rets was awarded the second prize in a "civic law" nomination (scientific supervisor – M.Kratenko).

The 5-th year student E. Nabol was awarded the 1-st prize (the theme "Legal regulation of institution of candidates (lists of candidates) for the Russian Federation subjects legislative bodies deputies promotion and registration", scientific superviser – O.Ronzhina) among students and post-graduate students of Krasnoyarsk region higher educational establishments in competition for the best work on suffrage, voting process in 2007-2008 (Krasnoyarsk city, May, 2008).The 2 prize went to  the 4-th year student S.Smelova (the theme: "The European Court on Human Rights decisions role in maintenance of suffrages of citizens" scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova).

Election Commission of Krasnoyarsk region thanked six SFU LI students officially for their active participation in competition.

The 5-th year student S.Odintsova got the diploma of the Third All-Russia professional competition "Legal Russia" (Moscow, March, 2008).

{xtypo_sticky}The team of the 4-5-th year students of the Comparative law department (Y.Vlasenko, A.Isakova, S.Ogorodnikov, E.Tikhonravov; scientific supervisor – T.Sidorova) entered the "ten" strongest team group in the Russian National Championship the 2008 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (in English), having overtaken the teams of such universities, as MSIIR, RUPF, Higher school of Economics ( 44 team-participants altogether).{/xtypo_sticky}

The 3-rd year student V.Korobeynikova and the 4-th year student E.Serova became the winners of the All-Russia competition regional round among the students of humanitarian departments for the best scientific work on "Human rights in the conditions of globalization" (Krasnoyarsk city, September, 2008). E.Serova's work" Legal status of the journalist in the armed forces" (scientific supervisor – V.Tereshkova) was recognised the best one and was deemed to be presented at the final round of competition (that will be held in the Russian state humanitarian university – Moscow).

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