Thursday, 13 May 2010 12:41

The lawyers won the UN grant!

The undergraduate of the 1st course of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Maxim Lubchenko won the UN grant, which gives the possibility to participate in the Moscow International model of the UN, which took place on April 2010 in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MSIIR).

V.V. Tereshkova is not only doing researches actively, but also giving a lot of support to talented students. Owing to her efforts and interest, scientific researches are now livening up in the Law Institute.

On the 15th of April 2010 the doctor of legal sciences, the head of criminal procedure department, N.G. Stoyko took part in the Oleg Suslov’s project “Darkness” (“ТВЦ-Krasnoyarsk”), where he told about the model of justice accessibility monitoring, and other questions about law and procedure.

The 3rd of May

The solemn opening of Victory Days. The presentation of “The Victory Wall” about our students’ and lecturers’ grandfathers and great grandfathers, who was at the front or served on the home-front. Big break (13.35-14.10), the hall on the 1st floor.

On April 4 the seminar-discussion “Regulatory legal acts” took place in the Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Region’s Governor. The participators of the seminar were the Krasnoyarsk Region Governor’s Administration executives, officials of regional ministries, of Krasnoyarsk region public prosecutor’s office, Ministry of Justice and other agencies.

The Conference was held in the memory of the esteemed professor A.S.Gorelik. For those who could not have attended there was a possibility to send their articles. On the whole there were about 500 participants, 250 of them presented their reports during the Conference.

On the official site of the Regional Autonomous Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Fund for Science and Scientific-Technical Activity Support” (  the results of a competition on social and humanist researches, developments and innovations 2010, aimed to improve the Krasnoyarsk Regions living standard are placed .

On April 8-9, 2010 Law Institute of  Siberian Federal University holds the IVth All-Russian Scientific Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists. This year Conference subject matter is: "Legal modernization as a factor of society and the State development". The Conference will be devoted to the memory of Professor A.S.Gorelik.
Deadline to submit synopsis is March, 26!


“Siberian Federal University Law Institute in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of  Russian Lawyers’ Association, Union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of Krasnoyarsk region and Krasnoyarsk Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry holds a Conference "Mediation in conditions of crisis: theory and successful practices” on March 26.2010”.

For more information, please contact: 89082202847

On February, 24th, 2010 in Krasnoyarsk was opened "The Vth Siberian industrial forum" on which results of the project "Working out of regional model for monitoring of availability of justice for the population of Krasnoyarsk region within the system of Justice of the Peace " have been presented. Realization of the project has begun in 2009 under the direction of Stoyko N.G. (head of Criminal procedure chair).
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