Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:59

Other activity

{xtypo_dropcap}L{/xtypo_dropcap}ecturers of the Institute take an active part not only in various public authorities and other organisations' activity, but in their formation as well.

Thereby, the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation assigned professor A. Tarbagaev a member of the RF Supreme qualifying judges' board.

According to the Krasnoyarsk region Legislative Assembly Decrees professor A.Barabash, associate professors A.Bayanov, L.Mitskevich, N.Stoiko joined the Krasnoyarsk region Qualifying board of judges, and professor N.Schedrin is assigned the vice-president of this Board.

Associate professors N.Galaganova, N.Kachur, E.Tarbagaeva are members of the Krasnoyarsk region examination board of judges.

{xtypo_sticky}Professors A.Barabash, T.Sakhnova, A.Tarbagaev together with associate professors S.Bushmin, N.Kachur, L.Maiorova, L.Mitskevich, E.Petrova, N.Stoiko, E.Tarbagaeva, T.Shishmareva are members of Scientific and advisory board at Krasnoyarsk regional court with professor I.Shishko as the vice-president of this Board.{/xtypo_sticky}

Associate professors V.Pitetsky and E.Tarbagaeva are members of the qualifying commission of Krasnoyarsk region Bar.

One of the members of the Board on corruption counteraction at Krasnoyarsk region governor’s office is associate professor K.Knyaginin.

G.Khlupina and K.Knjaginin, associate professors are the members of Legislative Assembly Contest commission of Krasnoyarsk region.

Professor N.Schedrin – the chairman of regional branch of Russian criminological association.

O.Ronzhina, associate professor, as a member of Krasnoyarsk region Selective Commission has the casting vote right.

Professors A.Tarbagaev, N.Schedrin and K.Knjaginin, L.Mitskevich, O.Ronzhina, associate professors are the members of Krasnoyarsk region Legislative Assembly Expert council.

L.Mitskevich, associate professor, is a member of Public Council of Krasnoyarsk region Federal Competitive Service Department.

L.Mistkevich and E.Prihodko, associate professors, are independent experts of contest commissions and commissions of conflict interests settlement in executive authority bodies.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:55


{xtypo_dropcap}L{/xtypo_dropcap}ecturers of Law Institute carry out fundamental and applied scientific research on urgent problems of development of a society, the state and  law. Results of this activity are reflected in numerous publications, monographies and manuals.

Thereby for some years lecturers of the Institute have published 20 monographies, nine from them have been published by the central publishing houses (S.-Petersburg Law Centre “Press” published: in 2003 – I.Alexandrov “Basics of Tax Investigation”; A.Nazarov “Influence of Investigatory Errors on Court Errors”; in 2004 – I. Shishko “Economic Offences: Questions of Legal Assessment and Liability”; in 2005 – A.Gorelik, L.Lobanova “Crime against Justice”; A.Mitskevich “Criminal Punishment: Concept, purposes and action mechanisms”; A.Barabash “Nature of Russian Criminal Procedure, Purposes of Criminal Procedural and their Ascertainment”. Other central publishing houses published: M.Kratenko “Contractual Agreement on Legal Aid in Modern Civil Legislation”, published in Мoscow by “Statute” in 2006; N.Stoiko “Criminal Procedure of Western States in Russia: Comparative Theoretical and Legal Research on English-American and Roman-German Legal Systems”. Published in St-Petersburg by publishing house of Law Department of S.-Petersburg State University in 2006; T.Sakhnova “Civil Procedure Course: Theoretical Basics and Basic Institutes” published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2008).

Lecturers of the Institute actively publish textbooks and manuals. For the latest 5 years they have published more than 40 textbooks and manuals: 8 – with signature stamp of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation (I.Alexandrov “Criminalistics”, textbook published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2004; A.Gorelik “Criminal Law in Russia. Part Especial”, textbook for higher schools published in Moscow by publishing house “Walters Cluver” in 2005 (chapters 15, 17, 18); E.Tarbagaeva “Organisation and Notariate Activity in Russian Federation” (Student’s book published by St.-Petersburg State University in 2006); S.Basalaeva “Employment Law Course” (Vol. 3., Publishing house of St.Petersburg State University in 2007, Chapter “Employment Contract”); - with the stamp of Ministry of Education of Russian Federation; N.Stoiko “Criminal and Procedural Law of Russian Federation” (Textbook published in St.-Petersburg State University in 2007, section 6 “Criminal Procedure of Foreign States); S.Drobyshevsky “History of Political and Legal Doctrines. The Basic Classical Ideas” (Textbook published in Moscow in 2007, publishing House “Norm”) - with the stamp of study and methodical department of juridical education; A.Dyomin “Russian Tax Law” (Textbook published in Moscow, publishing House “RIOR” in 2008 – with stamp of study and methodical department of higher schools training in the field of finance, account and economic).

{xtypo_info}In 2003-2008 years the lecturers of Law Institute published 627 scientific articles and theses of scientific reports (mostly in leading Russian magazines); prepared and published 12 collected articles («Actual problems of jurisprudence»; «Problems of sciences of state and law theory and history»; «Legal aspects of struggle against terrorism»; «Corruption and democracy» etc.).{/xtypo_info}

The Employment and Environmental Law Chair carries out the following research “Legal aspects of perfection of state government in the sphere of wildlife and preservation of environment”, “Legal advice on development and formation of manpower in Krasnoyarsk region”, works out projects of legal acts on Krasnoyarsk region wildlife management; etc.

Directions of scientific research of International Law chair: “International protection of intellectual property”; “Application of international and foreign law acts to judicial practice and other bodies and establishments”; “International legal protection of human rights and economic entities”; “Problems of recognition and execution of foreign court decisions in EU member states”.

The subject of the Civil Procedure chair research is modern problems of civilian procedure, comparative and law aspects, including modern European civilian procedure. Moreover, the lecturers of the chair carry out a lot of scientific research in other spheres, e.g. “Judicial expertise and other forms of special knowledge in civilian procedure of Russia and European countries”; “Modern problems of notariate” etc.

Criminal Law - related chairs conduct both individual and joint scientific research in the following spheres: “Legal aspects of security measures”; “Problems of general theory of crime prevention”; “Juvenile justice”; “Problems of struggle against organised crime and corruption”; “Problems of criminal law application stipulating liability for crimes against state power” etc.

The Institute conducts international and Russian scientific-practical conferences and seminars on urgent problems of law. Foreign and Russian lawyers, practitioners, representatives of public authorities and local government take part in these conferences and seminars.

In 2008:

  • The International Law chair held a scientific conference “International integration and law: modern problems” for students and post-graduate students;
  • The ecological and legal forum “Problems of realisation of citizens right to favorable environment: theory and practice” was organized by the Employment and Environmental Law Chair.

In September, 2008 the Institute organised and held two large international scientific and practical conferences in which more than 30 foreign lawyers took part:

  • “Russian financial system: experience and prospects of legal regulation” and
  • “Comparative law: science, methodology and academic subject».

Foreign participants highly estimated the level of the conferences and scientific discussions corresponding European and international standards.

The Criminal Law chair regularly organises and holds scientific and practical seminars of the European Council on urgent problems of struggle against the organised crime and corruption in which experts of the Council and professors and practical workers almost from all European countries take part.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:52

Socially-legal Department

{xtypo_dropcap}S{/xtypo_dropcap}ocially-legal department of the SFU Law institute has been carrying out the students training on "Social work" specialisation (specialists, undergraduates) since 1991.

Social work – is an integrative speciality. A social work specialist is simultaneously both a psychologist, and a doctor, a teacher, and a lawyer, a sociologist, and an economist. The ministry engaged in social work in Russian Federation is the Ministry of Health and Social development. Therefore to train students for such a diverse speciality the chair of theory and methods of social work with corresponding faculty including doctors and candidates of various areas of sciences (jurisprudence, sociology, medicine, economy, history, philosophy,  social geography) has been created.

There have been serious achievements in scientific and educational activity by the present time.

  • One of the programs developed at the chair of the theory and methods of social work ("Legal provision of social work" with S.Chiganova as the author) is confirmed by the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation as the typical program for "Social work" speciality;
  • More than 80 % of  the chair lecturers obtain a scientific degree;
  • Within the years of work the faculty and the students have won more than 40 grants, including the grant of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation;
  • More than 70 educational and educational-methodical reference books and 5 monographies written as the result of grant research have been published;
  • Four reference books have received signature stamp of EMO on education in the field of the social work, one reference book – EMO signature stamp on sociology and social anthropology;
  • Socially-legal Department has entered into cooperation with universities, research, educational and practical centres of Germany, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the USA;
  • On a contractual basis Socially-legal Department participates in working out of regional and city target programs and social bills.

As the basic customers there act Administration of Krasnoyarsk Region, Administration of Krasnoyarsk city, Agency of Social Protection of Population of Administration of Krasnoyarsk Region, Regional Family Centre, Krasnoyarsk Regional Pension Fund of Russia, etc.
Graduates of Socially-legal Department possess (except special knowledge and skills) profound training in the field of law and ability to develop social projects and target programs which are now the unique mechanism of realisation of social policy of Russia.

{xtypo_info}To mould the practical skills of the students adequate to requirements of social sphere and requirements of concrete potential employers, the faculty have created the system of practical training which is built on the basis of cooperation of socially-legal department with social establishments of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk region.{/xtypo_info}

High competitiveness of the chair of theory and methodology of social work and Socially-legal Department on labour, educational service and scientific research markets has been provided by the link between fundamental nature of scientific research of lecturers and vocational training of students and practical situational awareness.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:48

Comparative Law Department

{xtypo_dropcap}C{/xtypo_dropcap}omparative Law Department was created in 1998 as the organizational unit for training specialists in “International and Comparative Law”.

The necessity to prepare highly qualified lawyers was the reason of launching Comparative Law Department. The level of qualification should correspond the world standards and let the graduates be included in world and European legal culture, know foreign languages, foreign law and be capable to carry out legal support of international contacts of Krasnoyarsk region in the field of economy, policy, finance, science, culture and education.

{xtypo_info}The students of the department get profound knowledge of a foreign language - the general and legal English or German vocabulary; foreign, European and Russian law in comparative aspect.{/xtypo_info}

The work of the Department of Comparative Jurisprudence is supported by the international program of European Community "ТEMPUS-TACIS", programs of German service of the academic exchanges (DААD) АHP, ISAР, DSG and German Foundation of Robert Bosch at the organizational, personnel and financial levels. The foreign law is taught to the students by lecturers and professors of universities of Grajfsvald and Passau (Germany) and Tilburg (the Netherlands), students of other Siberian universities (Law institutes of Irkutsk and Tomsk universities, law departments of Barnaul, Kemerovo and Omsk universities) participate in educational process of the department.

The students are enrolled in Comparative Law Department from among the students enlisted on the 1st course of the internal form of training in "Jurisprudence" after introductory tests, testing and interview in a foreign language.

Meanwhile at Comparative Law Department (1-5 courses) 155 students – bachelors and specialists – are trained at the internal department on the basis of budgetary and contractual financing.

Since 2003 till 2008 Comparative Law Department graduated 141 specialists and 48 bachelors, from them 36 students received honour degrees.

The educational process at the Department inherits a rather remarkable feature – foreign lecturers conduct lessons in the form of one or two week plunges. For this time the students of the Department are released from other lessons. Students of other Siberian universities join the students of Siberian Federal University.

{xtypo_info}Lectures in the German and English languages are read for students of the Department by professors, lecturers and practical workers from foreign universities and judicial bodies.{/xtypo_info}

During 10 years more than 100 students have been trained at foreign universities during one or two semestres.

Every summer for those students who learn the German language Summer Academy is organized and lecturers from Germany are invited to read lectures there. The same is for students learning English. The professors and assistants from Germany, the Netherlands, the USA conduct Summer Law School classes.

{xtypo_sticky} Internet technologies, multimedia equipment and linguistic laboratories are widely used in educational process at the Department. Since 2004 till 2007 students defended on-line their graduation projects in two languages – German\English and Russian. During defense of graduation projects German professors were in Graisfald University, Germany.{/xtypo_sticky}

Throughout its life-span at the Department of Comparative Jurisprudence special courses on foreign and comparative law were read by foreign lecturers J.Kock, A.Ammberg, V.Ioks, M.Finke, I.Regge, H. Peters, K.Peters, F.Dunckel, A.Krets, S.Borich, A.Kalmthout, B.Roermund, F.Pennings, T.Kruessman, I.Mante, V.Zeevald, S.Gueze, S.Lang, D.Jakobash, K.Roze, K.Wild, R.Rassov, K.Iffland, T.Budde, S.Taekema, T.Homan, D.Scott, V.Boilke, S.Rektsigel, D.Gilles, D.Peil and others.

Furthermore, qualified Russian lecturers trained at foreign universities also provide the quality of training at the Department: Prof. A.Tarbagaev, doctor of legal sciences, Prof. N.Schedrin, candidate of legal sciences O.Ishutina, N.Kachur, V.Kasho, K.Knyaginin, L.Maiorova, L.Mitskevich, A.Mitckevich, A.Nazarov, E.Petrova, T.Sidorova, N.Stoiko, E.Tarbagaeva, V.Tereshkova, L.Sharnina, T.Shishmareva. Associate professors L.Gotsko and E.Melnikova and providing English German languages training at the Department did training courses under TEMPUS and DААD projects.

Meanwhile, the former graduates of the Department undergo top skill professional training through postgraduate study. They are taught by the Russian lecturers, who passed training at foreign universities, and by the foreign professors from the European universities-partners.

In 2002 foreign and comparative law chair  was set up. Since that time   it has provided teaching of special courses such as methodology of comparative law; introduction to administrative law of Germany; computer crimes under international, foreign and Russian law; municipal bodies of foreign countries; a special course on “International Moot Court”, etc.

{xtypo_info}At the present moment both experienced and young lecturers M.Kratenko, candidate of juridical sciences, and O.Kylina, junior lecturer, cooperate at the chair.{/xtypo_info}

Some facts about the Comparative law department life over 2007-2008 academic year:

  • the team of the CLD students entered the tens top of the best teams at the prestigious Philip C. Jessop International Law Moot Court Competition in Moscow (English is a working language);
  • students of the department passed tests in English / German languages taken by the commissions of German and Dutch  professors ,and by lecturers of Siberian law higher schools who took tests in courses placed on the educational portal of these higher schools.

Educational-methodical complexes on the disciplines placed on the portal, are worked out as a result of Russian lecturers training in foreign higher schools:

  • six third year students are awarded with Oxford foundation scholarship
  • six out of 19 2008 alumni got excellent degrees diplomas;
  • owing to cooperation with the SFU Institute of philology and language communication chair of applied linguistics institute students of CLD got diplomas on additional qualification as a professionally orientated translators the first time in Law institute history. This diploma proves, that our alumni are able to translate from English or German legal languages professionally. All subsequent alumni (bachelors and specialists) are eligible to get two diplomas – that of a lawyer and a translator.

In September, 2008 the Institute organised and spent two large international scientific and practical conferences in which more than 30 foreign jurists took part:

  • “Russian financial system: experience and prospects of legal regulation” and
  • “Comparative law: science, methodology and academic subject».

Foreign participants highly estimated the level of the conferences and scientific discussions corresponding European and international standards.

The Criminal Law chair regularly organises and holds scientific and practical seminars of the European Council on urgent problems of struggle against the organised crime and corruption in which experts of the Council and professors and practical workers almost from all European countries take part.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:42

Postgraduate study

{xtypo_dropcap}A{/xtypo_dropcap}pplicants who have obtained their first university degree (higher education) are eligible for admission to postgraduate study on a competitive basis. Training according to postgraduate study programme is carried out under internal (3 years) and correspondence (4 years) forms of education both at the expense of budget means, and on a contractual basis.

Students trained according to internal postgraduate study programme at the expense of budget means get scholarships. Those trained under the correspondence form of education are eligible for additional thirty calendar days holiday allowance at their working place.

{xtypo_info}Documents of postgraduate study applicants are examined by the SFU selection commission. Applicants are interviewed by their prospective scientific supervisor who informs the selection commission of the interview results.{/xtypo_info}

The decision on permission to entrance examinations for postgraduate study is made by the selection commission with regard of the interview results.

Applicants to postgraduate study pass the following competitive entrance examinations:

  • Special discipline;
  • Philosophy of science;
  • Foreign language.

Reexamination is not admitted. Passed entrance examinations for the postgraduate study are valid within a calendar year. Applicants who have passed candidate examinations fully or partly, are exempt from corresponding entrance examinations.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:30

Master's Degree

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}o enroll in the specialised master's programme on "Jurisprudence" on a competitive basis a person having higher education must submit academic transcripts for the previous degrees obtained (bachelors, specialist or masters), including those obtained their degrees not in "Jurisprudence". Alumni of any higher educational establishment are eligible for participation in competition.

Admission to the master's degree is carried out either on the places subject to federal budgetary financing, or tuition fee paying.

{xtypo_info}Applicants who have obtained a bachelor's degree and are willing to acquire the specialised master's programme for the first time, are eligible for participation in competition on the places financed by the federal budget. Those applicants who fail to pass though the competition for such places are eligible to participate in competition with tuition fee payment.{/xtypo_info}

In 2009 under the RF Ministry of Education decision specialists are eligible for participation in competition  on the budgetary basis as well.

The SFU Law institute offers 6 programmes of specialised master's degree training in jurisprudence:

  1. The Master's programme "Criminal law and criminology; prison law". The programme is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in criminal law and criminology, prison law.
  2. The Master's programme "Civil law, family law, international private law". The programme is aimed at studying the most complicated institutions of private law and law application peculiarities, acquiring applicable skills of work in the private law sphere.
  3. The Master's programme "Foreign and comparative law". The programme is aimed at training highly qualified lawyers being aware of Russian and other states legal systems. Students of the given programme do an academic year course at a foreign university-partner.
  4. The Master's programme "Labour law. Social security law" is aimed at highly qualified specialists in the sphere of staff management, social insurance and social protection of population capable to competent and effective application of labour and social security legislations norms.
  5. The master's programme "Civil Procedure, arbitrage procedure". The programme is aimed at providing professional acquiring of law application algorithm, including theoretical training and development of applicable skills in the sphere of protection and security of subjective rights and legal interests by means of various forms and methods.
  6. The Master's programme "Criminal procedure, criminalistics and judicial expertise; Theory of operatively-search activity ". The programme is aimed at training highly qualified lawyers  in the  area of prison law and criminal procedural law and criminalistics.

Alumni of master's programmes:

  • Are employed by public authorities of Krasnoyarsk region, local authorities, law enforcement bodies and courts as well;
  • Are eligible to work as judges in courts of the general jurisdictions in civil cases, arbitrage judges, notaries, attorneys, legal advisers in commercial organisations, advisers on legal matters;
  • Are willingly employed by bodies of social protection of population;
  • Are willingly employed by foreign legal entities, legal entities sharing a foreign capital share, and also by law departments of higher schools and their branches.

The programme of SFU Law institute development provides working out and the assertion of new master's programmes: "Juvenile justice"; "State government", “Political management”, “Bank law”.

Moreover, joint programs with SFU Institute of economy, management and national resources management together with other higher schools are developed.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 21:26

Specialist training

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}he curriculum on a specialist training provides more disciplines, and on some conterminous disciplines – more hours: social security law; Russian enterprise law; commercial law, criminology; legal psychology. Moreover, such general professional disciplines as natural resources law, public prosecutor's supervision, legal aspects of security measures are compulsory.

The Law Institute offers three different specialisations: "Civic law", "Criminal law" and "State law" for specialist programme students.

"Civil law" Specialisation*

  • Legal regulation of social insurance -40
  • European law -58
  • Securities -50
  • Implementation and protection of civil and family rights -32
  • Legal regulation of service rendering -40
  • Protection of property rights and other proprietary interests -32
  • Housing law -30
  • Notariate -48
  • Insolvency (bankruptcy) -58
  • Civil-law regulation of real estate -58
  • Labour disputes -48
  • Legal regulation of external economic activity -44
  • Currency law - 40
  • Urgent problems of civil procedure -50
  • Law of torts -50
  • Legal regulation of monetary system and money circulation of the Russian Federation - 44
  • Customs law -44
  • Problems of civil Legislation application -44
  • Practical aspects of international protection - 40
  • Intellectual property right - 40

*Quantity of hours spent by students in classrooms under the supervision of a teacher

"Criminal law" Specialisation

  • Crimes against public safety and a public order - 64
  • Computer modelling of process of investigations of crimes - 52
  • Use of video means in investigatory actions - 12
  • Theory and practice of proof on criminal cases - 60
  • Procedural acts of preliminary investigations - 74
  • Struggle against corruption - 20
  • Tactics of interrogation - 30
  • Economic crimes - 68
  • European law - 58
  • Crimes against the person - 54
  • International criminal law - 32
  • Criminal liability and punishment - 40
  • Moot trial - 70
  • Office crimes - 40
  • Estimation of evidence in a criminal procedure: a practical work - 38
  • Defender in criminal legal proceedings - 22
  • Problems of preliminary investigation - 76

"State law" Specialisation

  • Administrative-tort law - 64
  • Elective law - 58
  • Social and state government - 40
  • Protection of environmental rights of citizens - 40
  • Problems of law security - 40
  • Humanitarian law - 48
  • Legal documents - 60
  • Problems of legal and political system theory - 62
  • Protection of social and labour rights of employees - 44
  • Office law - 48
  • Currency law - 46
  • Regulation of federal relations in the Russian Federation - 48
  • Legal regulation of monetary system and money circulations of Russia - 48
  • Customs law - 48
  • Political and legal anthropology - 44
  • Legal security of land reform in the Russian Federation - 32

Well-known scientists from Russian and foreign higher educational establishments take an active part in educational process as visit-professors.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 18:00

Bachelor’s degree

{xtypo_dropcap}T{/xtypo_dropcap}he curriculum on bachelor in jurisprudence training assumes studying general humanitarian, social and economic, general mathematical, natural-scientific, general professional and special disciplines.

The curriculum on bachelor training a jurisprudence-bachelor degree

The general humanitarian and social and economic disciplines*

  • The Russian language and culture of speech - 30
  • Foreign language - 170
  • Cultural science - 30
  • Logic 34
  • General psychology and pedagogics - 50
  • Legal philosophy - 30
  • Philosophy - 64
  • Domestic history - 64
  • Economy - 80
  • Political science - 30
  • Physical training - 408

*Quantity of hours spent by students in classrooms under the supervision of a teacher

Special disciplines

  • commercial law - 36
  • Russian enterprise law - 42
  • criminology - 48

The general mathematical and natural-science disciplines

  • legal computer science - 40
  • computer science - 50
  • mathematics - 38
  • accounting basics - 32
  • concepts of modern natural sciences - 32

General professional disciplines

  • Roman law - 50
  • theory of state and law - 124
  • history of the state and law of foreign countries - 126
  • history of the domestic state and law - 126
  • history of political and legal doctrines - 46
  • civil law - 346
  • criminal law - 224
  • administrative law - 98
  • municipal law of Russia - 66
  • constitutional law of Russia - 120
  • constitutional law of foreign countries - 72
  • civil procedure - 120
  • criminal procedure - 120
  • law enforcement bodies - 54
  • prison law - 30

General professional disciplines

  • employment law - 108
  • social security law - 40
  • environmental law - 66
  • financial law - 72
  • general theory of qualification of crimes - 42
  • family law - 66
  • international law - 66
  • international private law - 72
  • legal psychology - 32
  • land law - 58
  • criminalistics - 94
  • European law - 58
  • arbitration process - 40

General optional disciplines

  • Language and fine arts history / Language and music history - 72
  • Sociopolitical processes in Russia / Rhetoric - 32
  • Political reprisals / practical stylistics - 32
  • Biodiversity of fauna and flora / Chemical bases of ability to live - 20
  • acsciology of law / bases of comparative law, jurisprudence - 24

Special optional disciplines

  • State regulation of economic relations / natural resources law - 40
  • Joint-stock law/ the bank law - 50
  • Forensic medicine / judicial psychiatry - 30
  • Civil-law regulation of the real estate / international legal cooperation on humanitarian questions - 30
  • Legal regulation the external economic activity / securities / Public prosecutor's supervision - 50
  • Legal regulation of social insurance / international mechanism of human rights protection / economic crimes - 38
  • Legal protection of citizens in foreign countries / notariate - 30

In 2007-2008 the educational-methodical complexes of disciplines (EMCD) were developed on the majority of disciplines.

Moreover, students can attend classes aimed basically at acquiring practical skills optionally, (for example, Professional lawyer's skills, Manual on registration law, etc.).

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 17:33

About the Institute

LawInstitute of Siberian Federal University is the first regional educational establishment which has started to train lawyers. It was organized in 1955 as the educational and consulting unit of AUEMLI. It was later reorganized into postal tuition institution of Tomsk State University. In 1969  Krasnoyarsk State University was established in Krasnoyarsk and the Law Department became a part of it (Krasnoyarsk State University was included into Siberian Federal University in 2006). Now Law Institute is one of others 19 institutes of SFU.

For more than semicentenial development Law Institute has turned into one of the leading centres of legal personnel training in Russia: prominent representatives of various branches of law work here, there are 16 doctors of sciences (the teachers having a scientific degree, make 74%) among them. The Institute is well-known in Russia and abroad for the fundamental scientific research in the field of theory and history of the state and law, criminal law and criminology, civil procedure and criminal procedure. Scientific research institute of legislation and legal policy is created on the basis of the Institute.

Today in Siberian Federal District Law Institute is the leading educational establishment in the field of jurisprudence. I.Shishko, director of the Institute, is the chairperson of educational and methodical council on jurisprudence.

About 2500 students are trained at the Institute. Educational activity is conducted according to the programs of higher and additional vocational training. At the Institute along with the traditional five year training there is a multilevel system of preparation of lawyers, which provides higher education. The students are given a bachelor’s degree after four years of training and master’s degree – after six years. Six master degree programmes are carried out by the Institute, one of them “Foreign and comparative law” is implemented together with a number of foreign universities.

The Institute provides postgraduate study in five chief subjects, with participation of foreign partners including. Since 2008 doctor’s council for three chief subjects functions.

The Institute participates in grants of the largest foreign foundations (Carnegie Corporation, Robert Bosch's and Mc’Carthors Foundations, DAAD) in the field of jurisprudence and education development.

The Institute is fivefold grant receiver of the European program ТЕМРUS together with universities Graisfald University (Germany), Tilburg University (the Netherlands), Ionsuu University (Finland). Lately the geography of the international contacts has extended thanks to the bilateral contracts of cooperation with Chunbuksk University (Republic of Korea), Vilnius University (the Lithuanian Republic) and Karlov University (Czech Republic).

Lecturers of the Institute actively participate in working out and examination of projects of the Russian and regional laws, co-operate with regional and Russian authorities. Professors and senior lecturers are members of advisory councils and the commissions of state governing bodies, members of the qualifying commissions. At the initiative of the Institute scientific and advisory council is created at Krasnoyarsk Regional Court. The most qualified lecturers of the Institute along with judges participate there.

Students of the Institute leave abroad to train and teachers – to improve their professional skills and to give lectures. In turn, students and lecturers of foreign higher schools come to the Institute for training and work.

Since 2001 the Institute structure includes the Legal clinic which was created in April, 1998 on the basis of Krasnoyarsk public reception office Committee on Human Rights Protection. In 2008 the center of additional vocational training was created by the decree of the rector of Siberian Federal University.

2010 the Institute has launched the educational programs on “International relations” and “Customs”.

According to SFU academic Counsel regulation on February 28, 2011 “Mediation Center” has been established in the Institute. This Center helps many people to solve their controversies in pretrial order.

Lecturers actively retrain. They regularly go through the official procedures required for obtaining an academic degree, retrain and improve their professional skills and qualification.

Only in 2007-2008 years 19 lecturers of the Institute improved their qualification in other Institutes and Universities, from them 7 lecturers abroad (Germany, Republic of Korea, Italy, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and other countries).

Tuesday, 19 May 2009 16:57

Institute Structure


  • Master's programmes
  • Comparative law
  • Pre-university legal training


  • The internal
  • Correspondence and internally-correspondence
  • Socially-legal

Other divisions

  • Scientific research institute of legislation and legal policy 
  • Centre of additional vocational training 
  • Legal clinic 
  • Laboratory of information-legal technologies


  • Theory of State and law 
  • History of State and law 
  • International law 
  • Criminalistics 
  • Civil law 
  • Criminal law 
  • Criminal procedure 
  • Employment and environmental law 
  • Commercial, enterpreneur and financial law 
  • Constitutional, administrative and municipal law 
  • Civil procedure 
  • Tort and criminology 
  • Advocate's practice 
  • Judicial practice 
  • Public prosecutor's supervision 
  • Theories and techniques of social work 
  • Foreign and comparative law
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