
"Mediation in conditions of crisis: theory and successful practices” on March 26.2010”

“Siberian Federal University Law Institute in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of  Russian Lawyers’ Association, Union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of Krasnoyarsk region and Krasnoyarsk Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry holds a Conference "Mediation in conditions of crisis: theory and successful practices” on March 26.2010”.

For more information, please contact: 89082202847


On February, 24th, 2010 in Krasnoyarsk was opened "The Vth Siberian industrial forum"

On February, 24th, 2010 in Krasnoyarsk was opened "The Vth Siberian industrial forum" on which results of the project "Working out of regional model for monitoring of availability of justice for the population of Krasnoyarsk region within the system of Justice of the Peace " have been presented. Realization of the project has begun in 2009 under the direction of Stoyko N.G. (head of Criminal procedure chair).

«Law modernization as the factor of development of a society and the State»

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Read more: «Law modernization as the factor of development of a society and the State»IV All-Russia scientific conference of students, post-graduate students and young scientists «Law modernization as the factor of development of a society and the State», devoted to memory of professor A.S. Gorelik, - on April, 8-9th, 2010.

Read more: «Law modernization as the factor of development of a society and the State»

The team of Comparative Law Department students and graduates will represent Russia in Washington, D

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Read more: The team of Comparative Law Department students and graduates will represent Russia in Washington, DFrom 3rd till 7th February 2010 Russian National Championship for The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition took place on Moscow. The team of Siberian Federal University that participated in the competition comprises Tatiana Pronina, Alexey Bulatov, Alexey Svishchov and Yanina Vlasenko who are the students and graduates of Comparative Law Department of the Law Institute. The coach of the team is Evgeny Tikhonravov, the Comparative Law Department postgraduate student.

Read more: The team of Comparative Law Department students and graduates will represent Russia in Washington, D

« Administrative-legal acts: actual questions of theory and practice»

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Read more: « Administrative-legal acts: actual questions of theory and practice»Within the Days of the Science at Law institute of SFU the Chair of the constitutional, administrative and municipal law will arrange on February, 13th, 2010 round-table discussion on a theme « Administrative-legal acts: actual questions of theory and practice». The supervisor of a round-table discussion is Candidate of jurisprudence science, the senior lecturer L.A. Mitzkevich.

Within the round-table discussion it is offered to discuss two blocks of questions.

  1. The subjects accepting administrative-legal acts.
  2. Practical value of scientific classification of is administrative-legal acts.