
Honorable colleagues!

30 September – 1 October 2010 г.  International scientific

conference on the «Aspects of modernization of legal system

of contemporary Russian society» will be conducted at the

Law Institute of Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk) timed

to the 55th anniversary of Siberian Federal University.


Conference program stipulates:

Plenary meeting – 30 September 2010.

Breakup groups meetings  - 1 October 2010   г

Following breakup groups would be conducted during the conference:


v Methodological, theoretical and historical issues of modernization of state and.

v  Modernization in the sphere of constitutional, administrative and municipal law.

v Improvement of modern civil law as part of the development of Russian legal system. 

v Legal means of optimization of economics as the basis of he development of legal system.

v Topical issues of modernization of finance law after the crisis.

v Topical issues of modernization of criminal law and development of criminology.

v Improvement of modern criminal procedure.

v Environmental culture as factor of the modernization of society.

v Contemporary issues of legal regulation of social-and-labor relations.

v Modern criminalistics issues.

v Проблемы модернизации правового обеспечения социальной защиты и социальной работы в современном российском обществе


Within the framework of the conference thematic circular

tables will be conducted:

v  “Justice efficiency and availability monitoring”

v  “Hague conference on unification of international

 private law: achievements and prospects”

Working languages: Russian, English, and German.


After the conference, articles collection will be published.

Editor in charge – Shafirov V.M., PhD, head of the chair

of theory of law and state, SFU

Articles and theses submitted for publication should meet

following requirements:

§  Language – Russian (with annotation in English) or

English/German (with annotation in Russian).

§  Article should not exceed volume of 25 000 symbols (with spaces);

§  Font Times New Roman, size 14, brake line 1 см.

§  Line spacing – single;

§  Justified alignment;

§  Paginal references, font Times New Roman

size 10. Execution requirements:;

§  Article title should be printed in bold;

§  Information about author – Full anme, Place of employment and position,

§  academic degree and rank.


Organizing committe has right not to publish articles which do not meet

 the above mentioned requirements.

Applications for participation in the conference and the materials

of articles and theses of reports to be included in the collection of works

are requested to be sent to the address,

Conference participants would be accomodated at the Krasnoyarsk hotels.

Accomodation fees are for the participant's own.

Reports will be selected at the plenary meeting by organizing commette.

If you have any questions, you may address them to deputy director of

 Law Institute of Siberian Federal University Alexander Petrov.

Additional information concerning the conference could be

found at: 660049  Krasnoyarsk, Maerchaka str., 6, office 4-17,

 phone +73912937884, fax +73912216366.




« Aspects of modernization of legal system of contemporary

Russian society »

(Krasnoyarsk, 30 september – 1 october 2010 года)


1.Full name


2. State, region


3. Place of employment


4. Address of employment  (postal code)


5. Position


6. Academic degree


7. Academic rank


8. Office phone number


1.     Home phone number


2.     E-mail


3.     Topic of the report


4.     Breakup group


13. Scientific advisor (for students )


14. Tick ‘yes’ if you need an accommodation.    (yes/no)


State the exact date and time you want an apartments, time you are going to check in.

Read more: Honorable colleagues!

The lawyers of the Siberian Federal University guarantee “TO KNOW THE LAW”

A new program “To know the law” takes a start in the broadcasting grid of regional radio. It is prepared by the State Tele Radio Committee “Krasnoyarsk” and the Law Institute of the SFU. The authors of the project are the chief director of the “Radio Russia-Krasnoyarsk” Rim Mullayanov and the graduate of the delictology and criminology department of the Law Institute of the SFU, the curator of the Law Clinic of the SFU, Sergey Krasnousov.

Read more: The lawyers of the Siberian Federal University guarantee “TO KNOW THE LAW”

The associate professor of the international law department Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova was granted an “Intelligence and Culture” Association award-2009!

V.V. Tereshkova is not only doing researches actively, but also giving a lot of support to talented students. Owing to her efforts and interest, scientific researches are now livening up in the Law Institute.

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The lawyers won the UN grant!

The undergraduate of the 1st course of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Maxim Lubchenko won the UN grant, which gives the possibility to participate in the Moscow International model of the UN, which took place on April 2010 in the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MSIIR).

Read more: The lawyers won the UN grant!

N.G. Stoyko about the accessibility of justice

On the 15th of April 2010 the doctor of legal sciences, the head of criminal procedure department, N.G. Stoyko took part in the Oleg Suslov’s project “Darkness” (“ТВЦ-Krasnoyarsk”), where he told about the model of justice accessibility monitoring, and other questions about law and procedure.

Read more: N.G. Stoyko about the accessibility of justice