
Free legal Internet-advice to citizens

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Read more: Free legal Internet-advice to citizens

Professors, lecturers, post-graduate students, students of SFU Law institute have launched implementation of the unique for Russia noncommercial project- giving free professional legal Internet advice to citizens.


Victory in Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

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Read more: Victory in Russian Humanitarian Scientific FoundationWe congratulate N. Schedrin (Dr. of legal sciences, professor, Head of the chair of tort and criminology, project supervisor), lecturers and post-graduate students  I.Damm,  A.Vostokov, S.Odintsova,  A.Rechitsky, N.Hlonova on a victory and grant reception in prestigious competition of research projects of  Russian humanitarian scientific foundation (RHSF). A project theme is "Theory of legal regulation and application of security measures: fundamental and applied aspects”.

We wish you fruitful work!