
The victory of the Law Institute’ graduates in the German-Russian Law Award Competition-2010

Read more: The victory of the Law Institute’ graduates in the German-Russian Law Award Competition-2010The Graduate of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University Viktor Yurkov (who has written the thesis afterwards, under the direction of N.V. Shedrin, the professor of the Law Institute) became a winner of the German-Russian Law Award Competition-2010. The award is bestowed for the prominent works, the subject of which was comparative legal analyses of the Russian law and law of the German-speaking countries.

Read more: The victory of the Law Institute’ graduates in the German-Russian Law Award Competition-2010

Five out of seven! The first in the Siberian Federal District.

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Read more: Five out of seven! The first in the Siberian Federal District.

Notaries from the five federal districts (Far-Eastern, Volga, Siberian, Uralian and Central) will participate in the refresher course “Actual issues of the Notary and notarial practice” from the 17th to the 26thof October.

Read more: Five out of seven! The first in the Siberian Federal District.

Anniversary Summer Law Academy

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Read more: Anniversary Summer Law AcademyAnniversary Summer Law Academy and two International summer law schools for the Russian and German students in the SFU Law Institute

Read more: Anniversary Summer Law Academy

Profession «Lawyer»: from theory to practice

The first Summer Law School for law students was held on the territory of the TIY (Territory of the Initiative Youth) “Byrusa” in Krasnoyarsk. “Profession «Lawyer»” is a joint project of the SFU Law Institute, Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of the Russian Lawyers Association and A.S Gorelik Social Committee for the Human Rights Protection. The participants were 75 students from the law universities from Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Novokuznetsk and republics Khakasia and Buryatia. The tutors were experienced lawyers, including the Chairman of Regional Parliament, the SFU President A. Uss, the Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Region Y. Baranov, the Chairman of the Arbitrage Court of Krasnoyarsk Region D. Surkov, the Head of Federal Service of Punishment Execution, the President of the Bar of Krasnoyarsk Region S. Maltov, the vice-director of the Main Investigation Administration of the Main Administration of Home Affairs N. Yudaeva, the director of the Regional Amnesty Commission T. Mashkina, the director of the Law Institute of the SFU I. Shishko. The classes were being held by professors N. Schedrin, N. Stoyko, the advocate and associate professor A. Nazarov, the judge of the Arbitrage Court of the Krasnoyarsk Region R. Razhkov.

Read more: Profession «Lawyer»: from theory to practice

Susana de la Sierra, Professor of the Spanish University of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo), has visited for the first time the Law Institute of the SFU in the end of April year 2011.

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Read more: Susana de la Sierra, Professor of the Spanish University of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo), has...She has conducted a number of lectures and seminars in the English language on the European Law. гого The 3rd and 4th year English-speaking students of the Comparative Law Department have attended those lectures. го By the end of all seminars the 4th year students have passed an exam on the European Law.

Read more: Susana de la Sierra, Professor of the Spanish University of Castilla-La Mancha (Toledo), has...