
On February, 17th, 2010 Regional Elections Commission will arrange «The Day of the young voter».

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Read more: On February, 17th, 2010 Regional Elections Commission will arrange «The Day of the young voter».Within that Day it is planned an information part and "recruiting" of students for participation as observers during elections on March, 14th 2010.

Action will begin on February, 17th, 2010 at 16.00 in Regional library.

Days of the Science at Legal institute of SFU: the Round-table discussion

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Read more: Days of the Science at Legal institute of SFU: the Round-table discussionWithin the Days of the Science in SFU on February, 8th, 2010  at Legal institute SFU the round-table discussion «Jurisprudence today: actual problems» will take place. There will be some interesting reports on various problems of modern jurisprudence:

  • «Modern understanding of law» (doctor of Jurisprudence science, V.M.Shafirov)
  • «About maintenance with the Constitution of progress of the state» (doctor of Jurisprudence science, S.A. Drobyshevskiy)
  • «Continental process: modern tendencies» (doctor of Jurisprudence science, T.V. Sahnova)
  • «About a role of a science of civil law in macroeconomic transformations to Russia» (Candidate of Jurisprudence science, N.L. Klyk).
    The action beginning at 14 o'clock. 00 minutes

Our suggestion for the foreign citizens!

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Read more: Our suggestion for the foreign citizens!Dear Friends!

The foreign citizens acting on training on a speciality (direction) "Jurisprudence" with payment of cost of training, and shown the certificate confirming knowledge of Russian, or the corresponding document on the formation, confirming studying of Russian in educational establishment, are accepted in Siberian Federal University without introductory tests.

We look forward to welcoming you in our Law Institute!


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The Conference is organized in Siberian Federal University by the Law Institute on the initiative of the Chair of Tort Study and Criminology.

The event could be of interest to both scientists who deal with Juvenile Justice problems and specialists who put juvenile models into practice (prevention of delinquency, protection of childhood). European developments will be compared with the ones in particular Asian countries. Attention will be paid to identification of successful practice models and responding the question: how their widespread application and transference into Russia could be possible. The Asian experts (Kazakhstan, China, Japan and South Korea) will compare their experience with European scientists (England, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Finland and Scotland). Specialists from different regions of Russia will report about the problems and prospects of Juvenile Justice in Russia.

{xtypo_info}Programme of conference{/xtypo_info}

The Conference is supported by the Legislative Assembly, Administration of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Government of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, Krasnoyarsk Regional Court, Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Krasnoyarsk Krai.

Working languages: Russian, English

Materials will be published in the Herald of the SFU

{xtypo_info}More detailed information can be obtained from our website - Or contact directly Natalia Nikitina (tel.: 8908217-44-73, 8(391)221-33-18, e-mail:; Nikolay Shchedrin (tel.: 8(391)297-13-64, 8(391)221-33-18, е-mail:{/xtypo_info}

Comparative Law Days in Kiev

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Read more: Comparative Law Days in Kiev

Dear collegues!

Sending You review article – final release of the International scientific symposium “Comparative Law Days” held in Kyiv, Ukraine. Would be grateful for its printed and electronic publication so for any other dissemination.

Oleksiy Kresin, PhD, general secretary of the Ukrainian Association of Comparative Law, scientific coordinator of Comparative Law Days, executive editor of International scientific journal Comparative Legal Studies, senior research fellow of Volodymyr Koretskyi Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Ivan Grytsenko, Doctor of Law, professor, dean of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University Law faculty

Read more: Comparative Law Days in Kiev