
Four students of the Comparative Law Department defended diplomas on-line.

In 2004 students of the CLD defended their graduation papers in foreign languages during an on-line conference with professors from Greifswald for the first time. Since that it has been a good tradition to defend diplomas before both Russian and foreign professors.

Read more: Four students of the Comparative Law Department defended diplomas on-line.

The international seminar in Kazakhstan.

From 13th to 15th of May Ludmilla V. Mayorova, the candidate of legal science, associate professor of the criminal procedure chair, took part in the international seminar “Academic mobility in the Bologna process context”, which was held in the Zetisusk State University (Kazakhstan, Taldykorgan city).


Read more: The international seminar in Kazakhstan.

Competition results for studying in Czech Republic

Aleksey Bulatov, the student of the 3rd year, and Nikita Mishin, the student of the 4th year achieving the best results have become the winners of the competition held under the agreement between the Siberian Federal University Law Institute and the Law Faculty of Karlov University. The criteria were: general academic rating, the English courses grades, active participation in summer law academies, conferences, seminars, the English courses attendance and, finally, a letter of motivation.


Read more: Competition results for studying in Czech Republic

ILSA’s Chapter establishment

In September 2010 the official Chapter of ILSA (International Law Students Association) was established for the first time on the basis of the Law Institute.
The main purpose of the Chapter, as the whole Association, is to render assistance to students in their scientific and practical activity.

Read more: ILSA’s Chapter establishment

Days of Comparative law

On April 22-25, 2010 L.A. Mitzkevich, E.G. Prikhodko and I.D. Mishina took part in the International Scientific Symposium “Days of Comparative law” held in Yaremch, the city of Ivano-Frankovsk Region.

See press release and the photos of the symposium.


Read more: Days of Comparative law