
Legal Clinic wins again.

Legal Clinic of Law Institute SFU has proved once again that university education is very effective and high quality, if it is carried out which includes the Legal Clinic. Thus Alina Mudrak – clinic’s intern, the third-year student of Law institute conducted a lawsuit on a civil case under the guidance of Sergei Iosifovich Gutnick who is the senior lecturer of the Department of Tort Law and Criminology, clinic’s coordinator, master’s programm coordinator of the LI SFU. The lawsuit determined the order of land use, which has ended by signing the settlement agreement between the disputing parties and the dispute was resolved amicably.

Materials of this case can be found in a research note.

Young voter day in the Law Institute

In accordance with the decision of the Central Election Commission of Russian Federation of December 28, 2007 № 83 / 666-5 in every subject of Russian Federation on the third Sunday of February must be held an annual young voter day. In 2015 it is a 15 of February.

Read more: Young voter day in the Law Institute

Science student group "Academy of History of State and Law"

Science student group "Academy of History of State and Law" was established in October 2010 as an association of students studying in depth some issues of history of Russian state and law.
In 2013-2014 Account It was going 6 times:
09/10/2013, at 13/11/2013, at 11/27/2013, at 02/26/2014, at 19/03/2014, at 05.07.2014, the

Subjects were meetings scientific and methodical character:

-method of choice of research topic on the historical and legal sciences
method for finding the necessary literature on topics top internet resource for historical and legal disciplines
technique of writing student research papers
"White n
yatna "in the history of Russian state and law
The monarchy in Russia: Theory and History (discussion of the most important theses of the Congress of Russian historical and legal society)
modern textbook on History of state and law (Student Designer of the current textbook).
The meeting was attended by students Maxim crest Basil Zobnin Marina Santalova, Alex Grishenki Anastasia Mikhaleva, Christina Kapaeva.

The outcome of the circle was the preparation of research reports in the April conference (Kapaeva K. "Collaboration" in Ukrainian ": Past and Present"), research and preparation of materials for publication (Zobnin B. "On the socio-legal nature zaklicha" ), the development of a pilot project of "student" textbook History of state and law (propeller M. "Current structure of the textbook on History of state and law").

At present, the circle meets twice a month on Wednesdays.

November 28, 2014 at 16:30 in the room 4-09 will be a regular meeting of the Anti-Corruption SFU Students’ Club


1. Speech of the lecturer of the Department of Criminology of the Law Institute SFU, Vyrva Petr Alexandrovich, with a presentation on "Corruption Awareness in foreign countries"

2. Adoption of the final report of the Anti-Corruption SFU Students’ club for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Anticorruption SFU student club is taking part in the All-Russian competition "Transparency International_R"

ASK SFU sent competition works on the following topics:
1. "The corruption is ...".
Title: "The Tale of corruption."
2. "The best motivation against corruption is ...".
Title: "One astrological forecast."
Voting will last until December 5, 2014!
Voice counted every 24 hours.
Every voice.
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