
Students of the Social Work Department of Law Institute SFU visited the Youth Center of the October district

Youth Center of the October District works with youth initiatives in business and in public sphere, creative and educational activities. Their brightest projects: "Road to Life", "КСК", "Свое дело", "SIFE", "Art-landing" and others. Yesterday students of the Department of Social Work visited the Youth Centre in order to get acquainted with their activities. Students had a tour of the youth center, took a consultation how to support youth initiatives and held a lecture on the activities of youth policy.

Several graduates of the Social Work Department are working in this Youth Center yet. Recently, in the framework of Juvenile Services, they visited Kansk educational colony and initiated special courses for the guys, which included the Quizz-game - questions on erudition in pictures and music jobs, "Funny starts" and a “song circle” with a guitar and other kinds of activity.

"Exhaled with relief and deep sip of fresh air, we left Kansk educational colony and rushed to the bus station. Professionals and volunteers of the Juvenile Services successfully coped with a three-day intensive for guys, and the today program had a great success: each of the guys could become a juror at the trial of the famous cartoons’ characters case, and then all together looked a good film with high level of moral motivation. The tutors handed guys a poster with the wishes and kind words before leaving "- said Julia Richter.

"We have no more words ... We are very tired these days, but the smile never left us. We know that we have done a good deed.

P.S. Juvenile Service "- shares his impressions Arina Matveeva.

We are pleased that our graduates continue to collaborate with the university and students, and give them the opportunity to learn how the Youth Center operates in practice, because this is the place where the student can find himself in the future. We wish success to our graduates and look forward to further cooperation!

Arbitration receivers from Moscow and other regions of central Russia raise qualification in the Law Institute of the SFU

The Centre of Supplemental Education of the Law Institute of the SFU held a seminar again on the improving skills of arbitration receivers (which is already the fifth seminar) in the October, 2014. Such seminars are conducted since 2010. It has become a good tradition that judges from courts of arbitration of different levels participate in them.

 During classes conducted from 8th to 11th of Octber 2014 arbitration receivers get acquainted with recent changes in the bankruptcy law, different approaches of the courts to the cases examination.

Theoretical classes were conducted by the judges of the Court of Arbitration in Krasnoyarsk region and the Court of Arbitration in the Eastern and Siberian district. Traditionally the seminar was finished by the round table where participants could discuss the problematic issues in arbitration management practice.

 It has been noted that seminars became a kind of platform for the exchange of views on the most pressing issues arising in professional activity. Such form of studying makes it possible for arbitration receivers not just to understand changes in the legislation, but also to remove many controversial issues. For judges it is an opportunity to communicate with arbitration receivers and to understand problems taking place in their work. That gives judges a kind of impetus to the search of new ways to solve these problems.

 Time has shown that such form of studying is needed. It was the first time when this program was attended not only by  arbitration receivers from Krasnoyarsk region, but also by their colleagues from Irkutsk and Omsk regions.

 The seminar held in October could not reach all interested persons, so the Centre of Supplemental Education of the Law Institute of the SFU developed training program on the seminar’s base which would be conducted with applying of distance technologies. The training program is called "Actual problems in the sphere of application of the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy)". Self-regulatory organizations of arbitration receivers from mainly Moscow or other regions in the central Russia are interested in this program. During October and November of 2014 this program was attended by 69 arbitration receivers who are members of Self-regulatory organization of arbitration receivers “Egida” from Tver’. It is planned that during November and December of 2014 78 arbitration receivers from Self-regulatory organization “Interregional Center of experts and professional managers” from Moscow would study this course.



Professor of Law Institute as a member of The Research Advisory Board

The Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor, The Head of the Chair of Civil Procedure at Law Institute SFU - T. V. Sahnova was elected as a member of The Research Advisory Board of the Supreme Court in Russian Federation. 
Moreover, V. N. Sinelnikova - The Doctor of Juridical Science, Professor of Higher School of Economics, who graduated from KSU (SFU), became a member of Research Advisory Board. 
The Law Institute is justifiably proud of them!

Attention of arbitration managers! Advanced training using distance technologies

Law Institute of SibFU announces a set of remote training courses arbitration managers on the program "Actual problems of application of the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy)" in November-December 2014.

Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University offers distance training program "Actual problems of application of the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy)" of 24 academic hours.

Dynamically changing civil, arbitration procedural law and bankruptcy law, increased attention to the activities of arbitration managers from government and the judiciary, unstable, and sometimes contradictory, Litigation Bankruptcy, called for new approaches to the organization of the work to improve the skills of arbitration Governors.

The program is a video recording of lectures judges of the Arbitration Court of Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Arbitration Court of the East Siberian region, as well as the presentation materials on the major changes in the legislation on legal persons and the novels of legislative regulation of collateral relationship. Lectures were recorded in the "online" at a seminar held on 08-11 October 2014, so you have the opportunity, in fact, personal involvement in the last seminar. You will learn about the latest changes in legislation, new approaches in the jurisprudence of the bankruptcy, before the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Completes the program videotape Roundtable, where you have the opportunity to get answers to many pressing questions that arise in the practice of arbitration managers.

          Tuition costs 4000 rubles. Upon completion of training conducted final testing and issued a certificate of a standard form.

Acquainted with the program and download the application form for the training can be attachments below.

Training is done in the following terms:

1 group with 07 to 21 November 2014

Group 2 from 10 to 23 November 2014

3 group from 15 to 31 November 2014

Group 4 from 20 November to 5 December 2014.

Group 5 from November 25 to December 10, 2014

6 group from 01 to 15 December 2014

7 group from 06 to 22 December 2014

8 group from 11 to 28 December 2014

To enroll in the group must submit an application, sign a contract, pay the cost of courses and access to information resources.

Applications will be accepted at the following address: or tel. 8-908-220-2847, 288-22-97.

Science and Roundtables in the Law Institute

The Siberian Federal University had traditional event - autumn scientific conference. The purpose of this event is not only the resolution of actual problems of science, but also the searching of young geniuses. October 8, Roundtable titled ‘Novels of the Civil Code and their application in the judicial practice’ hosted in the Science Library SFU. There were a lot of spokespersons, and each of them had his own view on a particular problematic issue.

Reports was made by Sinelnikova V.N. LL.D, professor of the Civil Law  Department in the National Research University ‘Higher School of Economy’; Plohova V.I.  LL.D, Head of the Department of Criminal Law in the Altai State University; Fang N.L. Ph.D. (‘Candidate of Science’), assistant professor of business, employers and financial law in the Law Institute of the SFU; Deev A.V. judge of the Krasnoyarsk region court; Sorokina S.J. Ph.D., associate professor of Civil Law in the Law Institute of the SFU; Zylevich S.Y., President of the Notaries Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk region; Kachur N.F. Ph.D., associate professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law in the Law Institute of the SFU; Mednyak D.S., Methodist of the Chamber of Notaries of the Krasnoyarsk region; Katz E.A., Head of the Legal Support Department of the Register Office; Faizullin R.V., Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil Law in the Law Institute of the SFU; Yakovenko I.V., Head of analysis and generalization of judicial practice and statistics in the of the Arbitrate Court; Tseyler N.I., Head of the department for non-profit organizations Office of the Ministry of Justice in the Krasnoyarsk region; Gavrilov E.V., expert of the legal department and legal control of the Legislative Assembly of Krasnoyarsk region; Skripko S.I., 2nd year LL.M of the Law Institute of the SFU.

On the same day took place a roundtable discussion on the topic ‘Forensic software process of investigation of crimes: current state and prospects of development’. Reporters were guests from Novosibirsk - Stukalin V.B. and Lebedev N.Y., Tomsk - Ismagilov F.V., St. Petersburg - Silk N.Y.  Lecturers of Law Institute had made no less interesting reports - Kosmodemyanskaya E.E., Voroshilov S.J., Bayan A.I., Zhuravlev I.A.

Roundtables was excellent, all speakers made presentation with big interest, students were actively asking questions and participating in discussions.