
Personal scholarship “Shpagin and partners”

The meeting of the section of the criminal process in the International scientific-practical conference "Yenisei political-legal readings" will begin with a pleasant procedure at October 9, 2014 in the auditorium of 2-20 at 10 o'clock.

A few students competed for the noun scholarship during the popular international summer project «TIM Birysa».

A 4th year student Alexandra Chirkunova and 2nd year student Alina Babashkina became “Shpagin’s” fellows. Girls wrote interesting essays about the legal profession.  They also study well. This spring Alexandra successfully performed at the National Student Scientific Olympiad in Omsk State University. Her team was headed by Deputy Director of Law Institute of the SFU, PhD, assistant professor of criminal procedure A.S.Shaginyan. Alina takes an active part in the social project of Law Institute of the SFU "Step Forward". Congratulations to our students with obtaining the prestigious scholarships! Everyone is  welcome to visit the award ceremony and presentation of certificates registered on the section of the criminal process, October 9!

Gratitude to the staff of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University from Administration of the Krasnoyarsk region Governor

Administration of the Governor of the Region represented by the Deputy Head – the Head of the Staff and the Public Service of the Governor of the Region L. V. Kirsanov, expressed appreciation to the staff of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, especially to the staff of the Department of Tort Law and Criminology in connection with the drafting an expert opinion on the issue of application of the legislation requiring civil servants to submit information on their income, property and material obligations.

Yenisei Political-legal readings

During the second week of October in our institute took place not only European Days of Culture, but also Yenisei political-legal reading." This conference is unique and its main aims are discussion of topical interdisciplinary problems, their solutions, as well as the participation of students, professors and invited guests in a constructive dialogue.

In the beginning of the conference was a forum with the great title "Russia - China: a strategy for cooperation in the Arctic."Certainly, forum would be impossible without foreign experts in the field of politics and law, and therefore the «first word» belonged to the professors from China that who talked about various aspects of the question posed on conference.

At the same time there were «round tables», discussing problems of various branches of  law: civil, criminal, labor and environmental law. There were many distinguished professors, and graduate students who are just in the beginning of the career in science. They dealt with specific aspects of the modern legal reality, also the legal conflicts and contradictions and ways of development of law were discussed.

On the role of customs authorities of the round table this year visited the man who knows firsthand about this structure - Zhilin Maxim G. , head of the legal walls of the building for us native Legal Institute (on the Loose 79) , a section dedicated to the problem of application of the rules on economic crimes .

Summarizing all the above, I would like to note the high level speakers provided the material , the excellent organization of round tables , as well as an unforgettable opportunity department of Krasnoyarsk customs.

Finally, passing away from the to listen to eminent professors, specially came to us from China.

Annual meeting of participants of the German-Russian Law Institute (GRLI)

The annual meeting of participants of the German-Russian Law Institute took place in Krasnoyarsk on the 25th of September 2014/ During this meeting representatives of the participants discussed the results of Institute’s activity in 2013/2014, realized projects and directions of its development.

2014 is the anniversary for one of the founders of the GRLI - Professor, Bohuslavskiy M. M., Doctor of Law. On the 8th of June, 2014 it was held an extraordinary meeting in Kiel (Germany), where the co-chairs of the Institute decided to award Professor Bohuslavskiy M. M. by the title of Honorary President of GRLI.

Representatives of GRLI participants noted that The Institute of State and Law of The Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of East European Law of Keele University named after Christian Albrecht, Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, Faculty of Law of the University of Passau still have been the most active in the development of scientific and educational cooperation between Russia and Germany.

It was noted that the conduct of Russian and German Law schools in interesting for students from Germany and Russia every year. The participants of the General Meeting expressed the idea that it is  feasible to publish the annual Yearbook of GRLI.

International scientific-practical conference "EU - Russia: legal dialogue" was dated to the annual meeting of GRLI. The conference was held on the 25th-26th of September 2014 on the basis of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University in collaboration with the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences and under the auspices of the German-Russian Law Institute (GRLI).

Round table on the problems of indigenous and minority peoples of the Arctic

On the 6th of October Siberian Federal University organized round table on the topic “Indigenous and minority peoples of the Arctic and their right to primordial territory: international and national aspects”. The round table was held in the framework of the Days of Science "Yenisei political and legal reading».

The purpose of this event was to identify and to find the solution of the main problems connected with indigenous and minority peoples. Urgency of the problem is obvious – nowadays, in the world, where globalization interferes in all spheres of life and almost everywhere, it is important to remember about rights of these peoples.

The first presentation was made by Shahmatov Artem Vladimirovich, the Head of the Department of international scientific and educational connection. His presentation on topic „Exploration of Siberian Arctic“ was voiced in English,  because the round table was attended not only by Russian professors (from SFU, ISU - Irkutsk State University), but also by guests from China. Thus, Zhang Yantsyan, professor of international law in the Shandong University, gave a presentation on the topic "The North Pole and the protection of maritime interests", in which he gave detailed information on the problem of Arctic Sunrise case.

 In general, the discussion of this problem has attracted not only professors, but also students. Guests from China noticed that it was hardly to find free place among places for students.

 "It was interesting to watch interested glances of young people, it's nice to understand that such problems are being actively discussed among the younger generation as well "- said Zhang Yantsyan.

So, the labor and intense week was successfully started in the SFU. We expect