
The Double degree program for the students of Law Institute

The Double Degree system for the master’s program was started in the Law Institute at Siberian Federal University. The corresponding agreement has been signed by the Chancellor of Siberian Federal University and President of Passau University (Germany).

The Director of LI SFU, Irina Shishko, told us that, due to the combining of curriculums, it is now possible,  "for the legal scholar to receive a unique opportunity: an analogue that is  neither found in Russia nor in Germany. We have been achieving this for three years. Now, students are enrolling in our Magistracy and studying all disciplines which are included in the curriculum of Passau University at the same time. They will have earned degree certificate of both SFU and Passau University by the end of the 2 years.

One of the primary conditions for participation is the knowledge of the German language at a C1 level, which provides a professional level of proficiency. This year, two Russian and two German undergraduates are participating in this program.

“Nowadays, a lawyer must be ready to work in many different places in the world. He cannot know only the law of his own country, because the business footprint is very extensive”, said Yegor Eckert, a Master's Degree candidate from Passau University. “Traditionally, Russia and Germany have been related through strong economic ties. I think it will help me get a job in a Russian-German company in the future”.

One of the coordinators of the program, Passau University Professor Hans-Georg Dederer, told us that a lot of German students work in Russia willingly, and that is why the beginning of a unique program is important for both sides." There are many representatives working in many different German companies which are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But this does not mean that everything is limited by this fact. Professionals in this sphere will be in demand in Germany, where there are many Russian firms. They will be truly universal in their field."

Comparative legal research: a personal experience. Meeting with Csaba Varga - the professor of the Catholic University of Budapest

October 15, 2014 at 15.00 in the auditorium 4-09 will be a meeting with Csaba Varga - the professor of the Catholic University of Budapest. He is a famous Hungarian lawyer, a specialist in the field of philosophy, theory, sociology of law, legal methodology and Comparative Law, the author of numerous books and articles, Ex-Advisor to the President for Legal Affairs of Hungary, Winner of the "Great Hungary". Csaba Varga is an author of more than 400 publications, most of them were published in English, German, French and other languages. You can read more information about the Csaba Varga’s research activities here:

Professor Csaba Varga comes to the Law Institute to conduct some lectures for students "From a comparison of laws to compare legal cultures" in the period from 15th to 20th October. This is the second visit of the distinguished professor at the Law Institute. The second visit will consist of not only in lectures for students, but also in a meeting with the professors of the Law Institute, where the specifics of comparative legal research through the lens of personal experience not only of Professor C. Varga, but of each participant in the meeting will be discussed. Professors, graduate students who are interested in Comparative Law are invited to the meeting.

The trip to China

Learning Chinese language has  been  a great challenge for me since  I`ve become a comparative law student. On a worldwide scale people learn English, some of them study German and French in schools ... But rarely you can find someone learning  Chinese. That's why I set a goal: to improve my Chinese using every single opportunity that is available. When I found out about the  Beijing  Summer School of the Central University of Finance and Economics, I realized that I should definitely participate! Before going to China, all the students had to take language exam and prepare all the relevant trip documents.

During our stay in China, we were offered to visit some popular Chinese places, like the Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Beijing Zoo and the Olympic facilities. All these excursions were provided by our Chinese university. We had a great assistance of all the people surrounding us including our teachers, university staff and Chinese students who created only positive impressions.

In the long run, we gained a priceless experience. Since we couldn`t speak Chinese fluently, all of us experienced some difficulty during shopping and meal time.  Also, it was hard enough to explain ourselves in hostel (for example, we had to explain in Chinese to the reception desk that we were not satisfied with noisy neighbors and  the absence of  a fridge on the hostel premises). Tasting fried scorpions at Wangfujing, communicating with chinese  strangers  was such an exciting  experience!

  We  also bought a great amount  of instant Chinese noodles.  All of the above-mentioned  is such a great memory to keep!

To conclude, staying in Beijing for a month, has certainly helped  us to improve the level of Chinese language. I was the luckiest one!  Because, students from France participated with us in the summer school.  So I had an opportunity to practice French that I had studied for five years.  Also, I had a great practice of English through communication with our teachers!

If you want to get familiar with Chinese culture and explore a completely different and amazing world - you should definitely take part in this summer school! 北京欢迎你!

By Polina Botvina

Lawyers from both Russia and Germany discussed a dialogue between Russia and European Union.

The "Russia - European Union: judicial dialogue" international theoretical and practical conference took place at SFU on September 25-26, 2014.

The Law Institute at Siberian Federal University hosted a university-based conference which was held in co-operation with the Institute of State and Law of The Russian Academy of Sciences, under the aegis of the Russian-German Law Institute (RGLI). RGLI is a non-government initiative that consolidates many leading Russian, German and Austrian scientific centers.

More than one hundred lawyers, including high-powered German and Russian advocates and scientists, met in Krasnoyarsk to participation in the conference. The head of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Industrialist and Entrepreneur Union Mikhail Vasiliev and the deputy administrator of the Krasnoyarsk Krai Federal Antimonopoly Service Evgeny Luzhbin also took part in the conference.

«For the first time, the conference is taking place not, in the capital, but in the geographical heart of Russia, in Siberia. Despite the complicated international situation the representatives from German universities continue to discuss contemporary legal issues with both Russian scientists and representatives of governmental authorities. These talks prove that interest in Russian-German law co-operation is unquenchable. Moreover, the urgency of the conference' s theme is increasing beyond all previous boundaries -- something which the director of the Law Institute at Siberian Federal University Irina Shishko has noticed.

"The theme of the legal dialogue between Russia and the European Union needs to be discussed in a reasonable manner, taking different options into account. Comparing the different approaches of the two parties, we have found common ground. Going forward, we can make steps toward improvement," says the co-chairman of the Russian-German Law Institute, professor of The University of Kiel (Germany), Alexander Trunk, Doctor of Law. "My report dealt with the legal consequences of imposing sanctions on business entities in the context of civil and private international law. It is obvious that such measures have deplorable consequences, and it is necessary to find a way out. I am sure that the interests of both parties are not controversial. We need to focus on positive development. A lot of fruitful contacts have been obtained within these 20 years."

The topics discussed were: measures of governmental control, the inviolability of person and reasonableness of enforcement actions, and also measures of government intervention in the economic activity which can save the balance of public and private interests.

It should be added that students, master’s degree students, and post-graduate students of SFU took an active part in the international conference.

"The Participation of the emerging generation in such events is very positive for the growing juridical community. We hope that comparative law research will increasingly draw students in later on," reported Lyudmila Mayorova, the associate professor of the chair of criminal proceedings, and candidate of legal sciences.

The outcome of the conference was announced by the vice-principal for science of the Law Institute, and candidate of legal sciences, Anna Vasilieva: "It is important that in this complicated situation we have been able to consolidate the scientific interaction between countries.  Considerable legal research was carried out in the framework of cooperation with RGLI and the Law Institute at SFU. The conference allowed us to demonstrate such research, and to exchange scientific results,".

Development of legal clinics in Russia: New Perspectives

An assistant of the Department of Criminology and delictology, tutor of the Legal Clinic SibFU Gutnick Sergei and I participated in the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Legal Clinic and current problems in the theory and practice of legal education: Challenges, Trends and Prospects", which was held from 18 to 19 September on the premises of Baikal State University of Economics and Law (Irkutsk).

The conference was attended by leading clinicians from Russia, including AB Gutnikov (rector of the St. Petersburg Institute of Law named. Prince PG Oldenburg, director of the Center for the Development of legal clinics), MV Samsonov (Ph.D., assistant professor of civil and administrative proceedings of the Moscow State Law University. OE Kutafin, head of the student legal aid "Pro bono"), IG Smirnov (Doctor of Law, Professor, Head. Department of Criminalistics BSUEL, coordinator of the Legal Clinic), VM Melnikov (Ph.D. in psychology, Associate Professor, Dean of the Law Faculty of the Buryat State University), and others.

At the conference some current affairs were discussed, like organizational and functional issues of legal clinics in Russia, educational issues of training future specialists in legal clinics.

Among the main problems raised by the participants were the following: the standardization of activities in legal clinics; adoption of the basic guidelines for working in the clinics; logistics activities of the clinics; and issues concerning the training of supervisors  in legal clinics.

SI Gutnick gave his speech on "Analysis of the case as a way of formation of professional competence of trainee legal clinic (for example, the Legal Clinic of Siberian Federal University), which caused a lively discussion.

"The common thread" through all the discussions were issues related to the implementation of customer-oriented approach in the work of clinicians, as well as the quality of the provision of legal aid.

Following the conference, the participants adopted a resolution with the introduction of sound proposals in the Russian Ministry of Education to regulate the activities of legal clinics and legal aid.