
SFU Law Institute student Daria Shinkevich took the second place in the international competition of scientific works organized by the Finance University ruled by the Government of the Russian Federation

SFU Law Institute student Daria Shinkevich took the second place in the section "Law" in the framework of IV International competition of scientific works of graduates and students, organized by the Finance University ruled by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In a competitive work "Influence of factors on the unlawful enforcement: the way of formalizing" were discussed some non-legal factors that have a direct impact on law enforcement in different jurisdictions; an attempt was made formal study of these factors in the coordinate system based on two models offered in modern American political and legal literature - case-space and political-space.

Read more: SFU Law Institute student Daria Shinkevich took the second place in the international competition...

Campaign May 9 "Wall of Memory"

It is no secret that the Great Patriotic War touched every citizen of our great country. Everyone by doing their job made us closer to the Great Victory. It is hard to overestimate one's contribution to our victory. Veterans and home front workers, nurses and cooks – without any of them we would not be living today as we live. Since the end of World War II 70 years have passed, but we remember and will always remember the heroism of our ancestors.

Read more: Campaign May 9 "Wall of Memory"

April 23, 2015 in Law Institute of SFU was the first day of the annual international conference "Yenisei legal readings".

The conference discussed the problematic issues of the theory of state and law, criminal procedure, criminology, criminal, civil, international, constitutional, administrative, municipal, labor and environmental law.

In the section "Actual problems of the civil law process" has become the first serving Olga Chernova, told about the peculiarities of legal nature of decisions of courts around the world. There has been some discussion of some problems of activities of magistrates, a student of options have been proposed to solve them.

Read more: April 23, 2015 in Law Institute of SFU was the first day of the annual international conference...

The spring DSG session 2015 has ended!

The Law Institute of SFU held another edition of the program participants DSG (German-speaking course "German law")

For the second year CLD students German-speaking session was the second one. From 03/23/2015 to 03/28/2015 Professor Urs Kramer, and a researcher at the University of Passau Hydro Johanna Birgitta held German Administrative Law Course in the German language. In this session senior lecturer in theory of law Teplyakova Anna Vladimirovna read a lecture for students in the German language on "Police Law".

Read more: The spring DSG session 2015 has ended!

The second day of "Yenisei legal readings" was no less intense than the first. In addition to the sections, which included presentations of students and teachers, it was possible to visit interesting workshops.

Started its work on the second day of the conference section of Comparative man who came from the outside, it could probably appear one of the most bizarre. Instead of the usual applause Rapporteur met brisk knock listeners with his fists on the desk - but such is the tradition of German universities, and the grafted branch of comparative law. Protection reports and discussions are taking place exclusively in German. On the agenda was the section of comparative administrative law in Germany and Russia, their similarities and differences, studied in various aspects: from the privacy of home and ending with a global issue administrative management - each of these topics in detail in his reports highlighted the students speak the language of Goethe.

Read more: The second day of "Yenisei legal readings" was no less intense than the first. In addition to the...