
The All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participants "Legal obstacles to the implementation of rights and legitimate interests: recognition technology and overcome" will take place on July 3rd, 2015 at the Law Institute of the S

This is the second scientific forum on these actual issues, organized on the basis of our institute. The All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participants "Legal obstacles to the implementation of rights and legitimate interests: theory and practice" was held on July 4, 2014 , according to the results of the conference a collective monograph with the same name was published.

Read more: The All-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participants "Legal obstacles...


Law Institute SFU congratulates our graduate Tenishev Andrei Petrovich on his assignment to a position of The Head of Cartel Department of Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

Tenishev Andrei Petrovich was born 07.02.1967 in the Ust-Kamyshta village in Askizsky region of the Republic of Khakassia. He graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State University in 1991 with a degree in jurisprudence. From 1990 to 2003 he served in the prosecutor's office. 2003 - 2008 he was a deputy of Sayanogorsk’s city council, and the deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Khakassia. Since 2010 he has been working in the Federal Antimonopoly Service. He also served as Deputy Head of Cartel Department of Federal Antimonopoly Service. Since July 2013 – The Head of Cartel Department of Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

Results of the contest "The history of Russian diplomacy and the Present"

The intramural stage of the competition "The history of Russian diplomacy and the present" among the students of the 11th grade schools was held on February 20, 2015 at the Library of SFU. The competition was jointly organized by the Siberian Federal University, the Delegation of the Foreign Ministry in the city of Krasnoyarsk and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Read more: Results of the contest "The history of Russian diplomacy and the Present"

Law students in Germany!

From January, 25 to February, 8 2nd year students of Comparative law department (YUYU13-06B group) took part in a study tour organized by the University of Passau. The aim of the visit was an acquaintance with the judicial system of Germany and the highest authorities of Germany on the federal and state level, and the European Union. In the framework of the students visited institutions like the Constitutional Court, the Federal Administrative Court, the Federal Court in disputes between employer and employee, the Federal Supreme Court, the Office of the Federal Chancellor, the Bundestag (Federal Parliament), the Bundesrat (Federal Council), the European Parliament and the Council of Europe .

Read more: Law students in Germany!

The three most important events of the last time

Once again, I'm in Passau, Germany - this time for a double Master's degree program. I have studied in this small Bavarian town before for two semesters, and seemed to see everything. But such is the peculiarity of Passau: Each time this confluence of three rivers you meet something new for themselves. That happened in my present "legal" life in Passau.

Read more: The three most important events of the last time