
SFU LS helds International summer law school - 2014 from 5 till 17 of October

ISLS is hold for students of SFU LS, students of Siberian Universities, Russian Law School and foreign Law Students.


ISLS includes three sections.


First section: “European Law” in English

Teachers: Wybe Teodorus Douma – Ph.D., Professor of the Institute of international and European law, Hague; Matta Maya Aaron Samuel Professor of the Institute of international and European law, Hague.

primary audience: English speaking Law students

Read more: SFU LS helds International summer law school - 2014 from 5 till 17 of October

International Scientific and Practical Conference "EU - Russia: Legal Dialogue" Date: 25-26 September 2014

Read more: International Scientific and Practical Conference Location: Krasnoyarsk, Prospect Svobodny, 79/10, building № 10 (Library of the Siberian Federal University).

Working languages: Russian, German, English (with consecutive translation)

Read more: International Scientific and Practical Conference "EU - Russia: Legal Dialogue" Date: 25-26...

The second day of "Yenisei legal readings"

The second day of the scientific conference "Yenisei legal reading" was very productive, and it confirms the Irina Shishko’s statement that the name of the conference proposed by the students, is very important for its further development. It should be noted that this year event was very popular among teachers and students, graduate students and young scientists.


The main features of the second day of the main scientific event of April:

1. "Speciality" of the second day of the international conference was the sections’work.

2. There were 12 interesting sections ( "Theory of State and Law", "Problems of Theory and History of State and Law", "Problems of the legal status of public-law entities in constitutional , administrative and municipal law", "Financial Law . Conditions of globalization and postmodernism", "Problems of civil law in the light of improving the Civil Code", "Actual problems of civil process", "Actual problems of international law", "Labor and environmental law", "Actual problems of Criminology", "Criminal Procedure", "Criminalistic ensuring in the process of crime investigation").

3.Also during the second day of the conference the only roundtable called "Actual problems of the criminal procedure" under the guidance of Doctor of Law, Professor A.S. Barabash has been working.

4. The largest number of speakers were in the section "Problems of Theory and History of State and Law" under the guidance of Doctor of Law, Professor S.A. Drobyshevsky, Head of the Department of History of State and Law, and in the section "Actual problems of criminal law" under the direction of Doctor of Law, Professor A.N. Tarbagaev, Head of Department of Criminal Law.

5. The working languages ​​were declared Russian, English, German.

6. The conference was attended by more than 160 people.

7. Guests of the conference came from different parts of Russia: Abakan, Zlatoust, Achinsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, etc.

8. This event has not done without distinguished guests, for example, Artemova E.V.– The worker of the Department on interaction with the City Council Mayor administration department.

9. The results of international scientific conference will be a published book included reports of the participants (which will also be posted in the Russian Science Citation Index)​​ because that is them who have made an undeniable contribution to this event.

Such events are very good lessons for students not only listen to, but also to develop their point of view, and to change their attitudes and beliefs. We hope that the tradition to hold a scientific conference would not disappeared, which means that each year the Law Institute will organize the annual international scientific conference for students, young graduate students and teachers.

International conference in Moscow

A.D.Nazarov, the Head of Criminal Procedure Department of Law Institute of the SFU, candidate of law, associate professor, and A.A.Brester, senior lecturer in criminal procedure, candidate of law, participated in the International Conference "Reform of the judicial system"on 16-17 April this year in Moscow.

The conference was attended by delegations from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria. Participants from that countries reported on the reform of the judiciary and law enforcement systems and the prospects for further work in this direction.

Welcoming speech was made by Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation E. A. Pamfilova.

The forum participants followed with interest speeches of a famous Russian lawyer K.A.Moskalenko, the Director of the Russian Institute of Human Rights named after V.M.Gefrer, employees of the Fund "Public Verdict" A.E.Novikova, O.S.Shepeleva.


It should be noted that for several years the Fund "Public Verdict" in conjunction with the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University and its Legal Clinic (Director - I.A.Shevchenko, candidate of law, associate professor, the director of the Institute of Advanced Studies for lawyers of Krasnoyarsk region Bar Association) implements projects related to the improvement of legal education, judicial and law enforcement activity.

A.A.Brester in his presentations at the plenary told about the work experience of subdivision against torture and other arbitrary actions in police and other law enforcement agencies ( the head of this direction in the activities of the Legal Clinic of the Law Institute of the SFU are doctor of law science , professor of criminal procedure A. S. Barabash and also A. A. Brester); about the experience of interactive teaching disciplines of the Criminal Procedure Department and the Department of law practice (the Head of Department - S. N. Maltov , the President of the Krasnoyarsk region Bar Association, the Vice- President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers in Russia , Advisor to the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region , candidate of law science ); about the scientific and practice-oriented work of students in the courses on Criminal Procedure ( leaders - A. S. Barabash, A. A. Brester).

The conference was organized by the Moscow Human Rights Fund "Public Verdict" (the director - N. E. Taubina). In honor of the decade of the Fund A. D. Nazarov was awarded a memorable desktop clock with symbols of anniversaries for the organization of close cooperation between the Law Institute of the SFU and "Public Verdict ". A. D. Nazarov will continue to work in a workgroup of Russian human rights organizations, united by the Fund "Public Verdict" in order to develop standards for police activity and technologies of public audit of the police in Russia.

Training for Master students from the Kansk Juvenile Colony

Last Saturday 1st year students of master's program ‘Attorney in the criminal trial’ have spent a day in the Kansk juvenile colony.

The outbound training was conducted in studying discipline‘The features of the juvenile defendants’protection in criminal proceedings’.

Students not only learned everyday life of the Kansk colony students, but also carried out monitoring research among adolescents on the topic of the attorneys’ participation in preliminary investigation and trial of their own criminal cases.

As it turned out, in most cases, the protection of accused minors was performed by appointed counsel. The majority of minors assessed councels’ defense positively. During confidential conversations,including in private, they expressed their personal wishes to students as future lawyers. The main ones: to know the provisions of the Act professionally, to be able to understand and to build a trusting relationship with a teenager, to take up the defense more actively - to submit petitions, to meet with his client often, etc.

Semyon Ivanov a former student of the Kansk colony, participant of the project ‘Step Forward’ escorted student group from Krasnoyarsk and back. Due to active participation in the project’s activities, in 2013 eighteen year old Semyon was left in the Kansk JC on the rights of minors up to 19 birthday, and in February 2014, as an activist of ‘Step Forward’, he was released from the Kansk colony on parole. From informal communication with Semyon master students have got a lot of useful information related to the educational discipline.

The training in the colony was held by the head of the Criminal Procedure’ Department, associate professor, head of the project ‘Step Forward’- A. D. Nazarov, PhD; head of the Kansk juvenile colony, Colonel O. N. Gutnik; Trustee ICC and the Public Council under Main Office of Federal Penitentiary Servicein the Krasnoyarsk region, member of the Public Oversight Commission in the region, a graduate of the Law Institute - V. A. Slepuha.

In addition, our students took part in the regional youth festival of creativity ‘Kalina Krasnaya’ which took place in the new cultural, sport and rehabilitation center in Kansk JC.