
Roundtable with the newspaper "Our Krasnoyarsk Territory"

In April 22, 2014 edition of the regional newspaper held a roundtable connected with problems of prevention of juvenile and youth delinquency in Krasnoyarsk.

The discussion of difficult issues was attended by representatives of police, prisons, churches and the public.

Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University was represented by the head of the Criminal Procedure’ Department - associate professor A.D.Nazarov.

Participants appreciated the positive results of the project "Step Forward" and juvenile projects conducted by Department of Tort Law and Criminology of the Law Institute of the SFU.

The full report on the round table will be presented in "Our Krasnoyarsk Kray" for April 25, 2014 and on the newspaper's website.

High achievements of the SFU Law Institute’s team on international round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition

Read more: High achievements of the SFU Law Institute’s team on international round of the Philip C. Jessup...April 12, 2014 in Washington DC (USA) 55th Anniversary international round of Philip Jessup Competition was finished. Philip Jessup Competition is the largest and the most prestigious competition on public international law in the world. Over 500 university teams from around the world took part in the competition this year. As the result of the national rounds 126 best teams in the world have been awarded the right to represent their country on the international stage of the competition. Russia was presented by 5 teams, which have become the best teams among 39 teams participating in the national stage of the competition.

The SFU’s team took 24th place and reached 1/16 finals of the international phase of the competition for the first time in the Law Institute’s history. (

Our team defeated teams from the United States (State University of New York at Buffalo), Turkey (Galatasaray University) and Brazil (Federal University of Santa Maria), but in 1/16 finals lost to the Slovenian team (University of Ljubljana), which took the 9th place in the overall ranking after the qualifying rounds. Thus, the Law Institute of the SFU confirmed that it deserves to be among the best law schools in the world.

The Memorial (written positions of the parties in the case) of our team were highly appreciated by the judges of the competition and awarded 14th place in the global rankings ( 20Memorial% 20Rankings.pdf). The SFU team memorials were rated even higher than works of teams from the UK (Oxford University) and the USA (University of Denver and Columbia University).

Moreover, an assessment of our team’s memorials was higher than rating of written work of this year winner – the team from Australia (University of Queensland). 

It should be noted that there were only three Russian teams among the top 32 teams qualified to participate in the last rounds of the competition in Washington: the Moscow State University team (17th place), the Siberian Federal University team (24th place) and Moscow State Institute of International Relations (31th). 

This year, the team of the Law Institute of the SFU was represented by the students of the Comparative Law Department – Kseniya Gulyaeva, Anastasiya Kachanova, Olga Koroleva (5th year) and Irina Balaganskaya (3rd year).

Gulyaeva Kseniya and Olga Koroleva entered the list of the hundred best oralists (respectively nineteenth and sixty-second places) ( Considering that competition is conducted in English, these results are amazing (for the majority of participants English is a native language).

Our team coaches were Tatyana Pronina (SFU Law Institute and CEU graduate (International Commercial Law (LLM)), Assistant of the Chair of Foreign and Comparative Law) and Alexey Bulatov (SFU Law Institute and CEU graduate (Human Rights (LLM)).

It should be also mentioned that organizers of the competition have chosen Law Institute team (the only team from Russia) for participating in filming of a documentary about a Jessup. There are 12 teams from around the world that are taking part in this project. An American crew visited Krasnoyarsk in autumn 2013. They were filming team during the national rounds in Moscow and international rounds in Washington in 2014. It is planned to release the full film in spring of 2015. This film will be used in future for the dissemination of the information about the competition in the international legal community, and our team will be protagonist of this film!

The team expressed its sincere gratitude to the administration of the Legal Institute of the SFU and their sponsors:

Thanks to their support our students were able to travel to Moscow in order to take part in Russian rounds (firm Pepeljaev groups) and to Washington to participate in international rounds (firm Clifford Chance and White & Case).

Law Institute of the SFU congratulates the participants and coaches of our team with such outstanding achievements and wishes them future success in their professional work!

There is a new MD now as a staff member in the Department of Theories and Techniques of Social Work.

Tatyana Korobitsina is the youngest MD with a thesis in Narcology in the Russian Federation. She is, furthermore, a unique doctor of such a high profile in the Krasnoyarsk region.

She is the author of more than 150 scientific and methodological works, including 7 monographies, 52 articles published in the international and main editions of the magazines recommended by the Russian State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, 11 study guides, including guides with Academic Community's signature stamp. She is the author and the co-author of several grant projects.

She has been rewarded by the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region as well as the Mayor of Krasnoyarsk, the Head of the Federal Drug Control Agency, the Executive group of the Command of the Federal Drug Control Agency for several times. She has been awarded with a medal of "200 years of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs » and a breastplate «For devotion». She is the Laureate of the Mayor’s of Krasnoyarsk award in the field of science and education in 2012.


Tatyana Korobitsina has been working for more than 15 years as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Theories and Techniques of Social Work of the SFU Law Institute.

She is lecturing such disciplines as "Preventive measures for drug and alcohol addiction in the youth environment", « First medical aid», «Basics of social medicine», « Content and techniques of social medical work», «Social psychiatry», «Social gerontology», « Basics of anatomy and physiology».

In September, 2013 Tatyana Korobitsina started working in SFU Law Institute as a full-time lecturer.

We congratulate the Department of Theories and Techniques of Social Work with such an important staff member!

It’s the third time the team of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University has advanced to International Rounds of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition

Read more: It’s the third time the team of the Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University has advanced...During the January 29 - February 2,13th Russian rounds of the annual Jessup Moot Court Competition,the most prestigious contest on public international law for law students, took place. In 2014, 39 teams from Russian Universities participated in Russian national rounds. Among those teams was the last year’s winning team from the SFU (

The SFU’s team, being the winner of the preliminary rounds, has finally took the fifth place. Therefore, the SFU’s team along with the Russian Academy of Justice’ team (winner of Russian rounds), Kant University’s team (2nd place), MSU’s team (3rd place) and MGIMO’s team (4th place) would participate at the international rounds of the Competition. It is the third time our team would represent the Russian Federation at the international rounds in Washington, DC. Previously, the Krasnoyarsk team competed against the best world teams in 2010 (detailed information here - and in 2013 (detailed information here -, and its best result was the 37th place in the world rating.

The coach of the SFU’s team is Tatiana Pronina, the SFU’s alumna. The team members are the students of the Comparative Law Department of the Law Institute of the SFU – Anastasia Kachanova, Kseniya Gulayeva, Olga Koroleva and Irina Balaganskaya.

The SFU thanks the Mikhail Prokhorov’s Fund, which has provided the team with the financial assistance, covering almost a half of the team’s expenses in Moscow.

The central publishing house "Prospect" (Moscow) has published a monograph called "Commercial bribery as a form of corruption in the private sector (definition and crossing)."

The central publishing house "Prospect" (Moscow) has published a monograph of the PhD, associate professor of criminology Sergei Krasnousov called "Commercial bribery as a form of corruption in the private sector (definition and crossing)."

The work represents the first comprehensive study of commercial bribery as a form of corruption in the non-public area. It gives the concept, the main features and the forms of corruption as well as the analysis of the criminal, administrative and other branches of Russian legislation on compliance with the international laws against corruption in the non-public area. In the context of the phenomenon of corruption in the non-public area, the concept, determinants and the system of measures against commercial bribery are featured. The edition is written for students, graduate students, professors who specialize in questions of measures against corruption in the non-public area and for the rest, who is interested in the problem of Anti-Corruption Compliance Department.

You can find this publication in the book shop “Prospect” which is situated in the building of the Law Institute.