
SibFU Law School’s educational programs are among the best in Russia

The Guild of Experts in the Field of Professional Education and the National Center for Professional and Public Accreditation have been implementing the All-Russian project “The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia” since 2010. Law School’s educational programs in the field of "Jurisprudence" (bachelor's degree) have been including in the list of the best programs since 2011. This year, Law School’s master’s degree programs are among the best in this area.

Read more: SibFU Law School’s educational programs are among the best in Russia

The Law School won the Russian-German competition

The joint project of the SibFU Law School and the University of Passau «German-language course "German Law (DSG)"» became one of the winners of the competition the Russian-German year of scientific and educational partnerships in the category «Interuniversity partnership».

Read more: The Law School won the Russian-German competition

International Committee of the Red Cross and students of the SibFU Law School: history of achievements

Read more: International Committee of the Red Cross and students of the SibFU Law School: history of...F.F. Martens Competition in International Humanitarian Law

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) announced the holding of the annual F. F. Martens International Humanitarian Law Competition for law students at the beginning of the year. F. F. Martens is a Russian lawyer, diplomat and one of the founders of the Russian school of international law. Furthermore, he is the author of the «Martens Clause» which is a fundamental principle of international humanitarian law.

Read more: International Committee of the Red Cross and students of the SibFU Law School: history of...

Traditional online-presentation of bachelor's theses of graduates of the Comparative Law Department was held at the SibFU Law School from July 8 to July 10, 2020

Traditional online-presentation of bachelor's theses of graduates of the Comparative Law Department was held in English and German from July 8 to July 10, 2020. SibFU Law School organized the presentation with the participation of professors of the University of Passau (Bavaria, Germany). This tradition started from online-presentation with university professors from Ernst Moritz Arndt University (Greifswald, Germany) in 2004. Therefore, graduates of the Comparative Law Department were not surprised using the distance learning technologies in order to present their theses.

Read more: Traditional online-presentation of bachelor's theses of graduates of the Comparative Law...

First place memorial by the Siberian Federal University at the 2020 Russian National Championship of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition

The Russian National Championship of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition was held in Moscow from January 30 to February 2, 2020. The team of the Siberian Federal University was represented by Anastasia Burnakina, Svetlana Fomina, Alexandra Kostareva, Ekaterina Kalinina with V. V. Tereshkova, team coach, Ph.D. Eventually, Siberian Federal University took 1st place memorial and 10th place in the overall rating of participants.

Read more: First place memorial by the Siberian Federal University at the 2020 Russian National Championship...