
The seminar “International relationships of Russia and Japan at the present stage”

The seminar, which is referred to the theme of “International relationships of Russia and Japan at the present stage”, was conducted in the framework of the visit of the head of Aichi Prefectural University (Japan), the lecturers and internship-students of this university in the Law School of SibFU on 13.09.2017.

The selected theme opens the series of scientific occasions, which are dedicated to the Russia-Japan cross-year in 2018.

Read more: The seminar “International relationships of Russia and Japan at the present stage”

Law Clinic on the days of free legal assistance

At the end of September and the begging of October of the current year, Law Clinic took part in the several occasions, which aim is the providing of free legal assistance for the needy.

The clinicists took part in the Day of free legal assistance, which was conducted by the KRO AYUR and took place in the House of Officers.

The reception of citizens was organized within the framework of All-Russian single Day of free legal assistance by one of the public reception rooms of Law Clinic on 29 of September.

Read more: Law Clinic on the days of free legal assistance

The departments of Criminal law and Forensics developed close mutual relationships with Investigative Committee.

Recently a group of students of the third year visited the investigative testing site. The students were invited by the Head of Krasnoyarsk Investigative Committee department, A.A. Krotov. There the investigators and forensics of Investigative Committee have conducted an investigative-forensics quest.

The organisers would give the students criminal situations, and the students were to act the proper for the situation way.

Some experienced investigators – the tutors of students’ teams would facilitate the participants. In general students have successfully completed all the tasks, and while doing that they were shown some modern forensics equipment.

Read more: The departments of Criminal law and Forensics developed close mutual relationships with...

The issues of legal responsibility in educational sphere were negotiated in SFU.

 22 of September 2017 the round table on the topic of “Legal responsibility in educational governmental politics” was conducted within the X International conference Yenisey political legal readings.

 Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, PhD in juridical sciences, shed the light on the key positions of European Court on Human Rights pursuant to the right to education issues, its implementation in compliance with Russian experience in this topic. Valentina Vladimirovna’s report was called “The right to education: states obligations in International law”.

Read more: The issues of legal responsibility in educational sphere were negotiated in SFU.

Ecological charge was discussed at Yenisei legal readings

The problems of theory and practice of legal charge were discussed at the SibFU. Round-table «Legal charge: national and international aspects” concerning this theme was conducted in the framework of 10th international scientific practical conference of students, aspirants and young scientists.

The leading specialists in the sphere of ecology law were the participants of the round-table. According to the words of the main research associate of the Institute of law of Academy of social sciences of Republic of China the research of charge aspects deserves special attention.

Read more: Ecological charge was discussed at Yenisei legal readings