
SibFU approved the status of country’s leading university

SibFU has established itself in TOP-20 best universities list of the country in the THE World University Rankings worldwide ranking. SibFU got 19th position among 27 Russian universities and entered into the 1001+ group of the worldwide ranking THE. The following release was established on the official resource on 5th of September, 2017.

Times ranking is the global research, in which compilers select the best higher education institutes of universal importance and range them according to the indicators. Each indicator is the quality indicator of higher education. Teaching, research, quotes, income from cooperation with business and industry and international perspectives are criteria for assessing. Each indicator in turn is divided into the separate indicators. The total amount of them is 30.

Read more: SibFU approved the status of country’s leading university

The scientific coterie on ecology studies: the report about the work for 2016/2017 academic year

In 2016/2017 academic year, the tutors of labor and ecology law of Law School of the SibFU conducted the work with students in the framework of scientific coterie about ecology research. The coterie sessions conducted once in two months, starting from the October of 2016.

The 3rd year students are the participants of this coterie. The total amount is 9 people.

Read more: The scientific coterie on ecology studies: the report about the work for 2016/2017 academic year

An internship is a serious matter.

According to the tradition that has developed over the years, The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (MID of the Russian Federation) for the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the prosecution office of Krasnoyarsk Territory admit the undergraduates, who are the 4th year students, for an internship .

In accordance, the internship  defense has a strong and amenable foundation in these enforcement agencies. 

Read more: An internship is a serious matter.

The professor and the associate proffesor of constitutional, administrarive and municipal law of Law School of SibFU L.A. Mickevich and A.F. Vasilieva took part in the work of The Second Open Forum of Prosecution

During the two days (27th  and 28th  of April, 2017) the prosecution office representatives of Krasnoyarsk territory,  government bodies, local government bodies and business communities discussed the most pressing issues concerning the deterrent in a business community’s development and the rise of investment potential.

The prosecutor of Krasnoyarsk territory M.M. Savchin, the representatives of prosecution office, deputy chairman of Krasnoyarsk territory’s government N.V. Ryazantseva, the duputy regional Minister of economic growth and investment policy A.S. Gramatunov, the Business Rights Commissioner in Krasnoyarsk territory S.V. Russkih, the president of Central Siberian commercial and industrial Chamber R.M.Shageev, the Chairman of Krasnoyarsk regional department of All-Russian non-governmental organization of small and medium business “Opora Rossii” V.A.Zakharov, executive director of Krasnoyarsk regional department of All-Russian non-governmental organization “Delovaya Rossiya” E.K. Vekkesser, the president of trans-regional non-governmental organization of Siberian businessmen “Sibir bez granits” V.YU.Malanin, the represenatatives of business, the heads of territorial bodies of federal departments, the heads of municipal entities, the representatives of social media took part in the work of the forum.

Read more: The professor and the associate proffesor of constitutional, administrarive and municipal law of...


21-23 of September, 2017 Law Institute of Siberian Federal University along with Krasnoyarsk regional department of Association of lawyers in Russia conducts the Xth International scientifically practical conference Yenisei political and legal readings “Legal responsibility: national and international issues”.

As a result of the conference a compilation of scientific articles is intended to be published. Articles for the compilation are accepted until 01 of October, 2017. Requirements for the design of the articles are as standard: length – 10 pages, size of font – 14, font Times New Roman, interval 1.5, edges 2.0.

For taking part in the Conference the participants are required to pass the registration on the official site of Law Institute SFU.

If there are any organizational questions about the Conference, it is possible to consult with Vasilieva Anna Fedotovna, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor of constitutional, administrative and municipal law chair of Law Institute of SibFU, +7 923 328 03 09, If there are any questions concerning registration of the participants, Fettih Olga Olegovna, the specialist, is available +79233127978,