
«Problems in application of reservation about public order»

Read more: «Problems in application of reservation about public order»In December of 2012 in the session of the Supreme arbitration court’s presidium a project of review of the Supreme arbitration court’s consideration  cases about application of reservation about public order on the ground of withdrawal and carrying out foreign judicial and arbitrating sentences.  The aim of this project is forming of uniform judicial practice.

In the conference two reports are included:

1) reservation about public order  in international law(Shherbinina Ol'ga Evdokimovna, a candidate of law, associate professor of international law chair in Law Institute SFU)

2) reservation about public order  as the ground of withdrawal and carrying out foreign judicial sentences (Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna,  a candidate of law, associate professor of international law chair in Law Institute SFU)

Place of meeting: Maerchaka, 6 , a building of Law Institute SFU

The time is: 15 March 2013, 14.00

Questions about taking part - Pavel'eva Jevelina Anatol'evna, cel. 89029922446,

DSG session is ended!

Regular participants of DSG program have graduated in Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University (German language course "German Law").

Since 18.02.2013 till 02.03.2013 University of Passau academic staff Valdemar Anders, Christian Lainer and Manuel Vais were teaching third year students of Law Institute of the SFU and some students from Barnaul, Kemerovo , Irkutsk and Tomsk “German Civil Law (2nd part)” and “Commerce Law of Germany”.

After passing the exams in all offered subjects (2 sessions per year for 2 years, as well as participation in the Summer School 2012), participants received certificates of completion DSG issued jointly by the Siberian Federal University and the University of Passau.

DSG Graduates are provided various opportunities to continue learning German law at the University of Passau. DSG Graduates may, for example, to interrupt their studies in Russian University to get a "certificate of basic knowledge of German law" within a year (semester) training in Passau. At the end of the Russian legal education it is possible to have one year master training in the University of Passau. It is also available to have a short-term training for the preparation and writing graduate and undergraduate work, as well as master's and PhD theses. In order to update the knowledge of German law, graduates can participate in expert seminars every year.

Our congratulations to our students with finishing DSG program!

Our delegates are on the Model European Parliament

Read more: Our delegates are on the Model European ParliamentFrom 4 to 8 January 2013 Moscow hosted the Second National EYP session in Russia. EYP - is the European Youth Parliament. Two students of the International Relations department -  Irina Gabidulina and Daria Kushner  were invited as delegates to the EYP.

Read more: Our delegates are on the Model European Parliament

Spring session of German Law

Read more: Spring session of German LawAnnual DSG spring session (German language course "German law") started in Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University. This session will include two subjects: Civil and Administrative German Law.

Since 18.02.2013 till 02.03.2013 University of Passau academic staff Valdemar Anders, Christian Lainer and Manuel Vais are teaching third year students of Law Institute of the SFU “German Civil Law (2nd part)” and “Commerce Law of Germany”. Some students from other cities are also participating in session. They are one student from Barnaul, one student from Kemerovo, four students from Irkutsk and one student from Tomsk. After this session students will get certificates. It’s their final course of DSG, so they also will be able to go to University of Passau for one or two semesters.

Since 11.03.2013 till 16.03.2013 University of Passau academic staff prof. Kramer Urs and Lauterbah Tereza will teach second year students of Law Institute of SFU “Administrative Law of Germany”. Students from other cities will also participate in session. They will be four students from Irkutsk, five students from Omsk, two students from Tomsk and others. After the course students will get certificates.

Our students in Thomas Jefferson School of Law

Read more: Our students in Thomas Jefferson School of LawFrom 10 January to 10 February Comparative Law Department’s students of Law University (Petrukh Daniil and Malysheva Sofiya) had been visiting Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego. The theme of their investigation was « Comparative and legal aspects of bankruptcy in Russia, Germany and the USA». The head of that project was T. P. Shishmaryova. Students worked in library, attended lections, visited special bankruptcy courts. After that they came back with lots of impressions and now they are going to publish scientific articles on Russian and English language.