
Students of the Law Faculty will provide migrants with the legal assistance

Krasnoyarsk regional Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Regional Department of the Federal Migration Service initiated meeting concerning the question of organization of the Free Legal Assistance Centre for migrants. This meeting took place on the 18th of September.

Read more: Students of the Law Faculty will provide migrants with the legal assistance

Advocate from the "Rödl & Partner" conducted the seminar for the Law Institute students

On the 15-16 of September 2012 Sebastian Ernst, the advocate form “Rödl & Partner”, conducted the seminar “AusdemLebeneinesdeutschenRechtsanwaltsinRussland” in German for our students and students from partner universities (Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Omsk) in Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University. The seminar was held within the framework of the SFU – Passau University joint cooperation program.

Read more: Advocate from the "Rödl & Partner" conducted the seminar for the Law Institute students

Our educational programs are among the best ones in Russia!

In 2012 (as in two previous years) the educational program on “Jurisprudence” of the Law Institute of the SFU was recognized one of the best programs (in the project named “The best educational programs in innovative Russia").

German professor Kramer visited the Law Institute of the SFU

In September 21, 2012 professor Kramer , who's considered to be the one of the top lecturers in the University of Passau (Germany), conducted the lecture on constitutional law and constitutional procedural law for the second-year students of the Comparative Law Department of the Law Institute as well as for students from Tomsk,Kemerovo,Omsk,Irkutsk Universities in the course of the DSG's program (course of German law in the German language)


Summer Law Institute Suzhou

Dear Colleagues,

We take the liberty to send you the call for applications and the flyer of presentation of the Summer School in China Edition 2012 – Executive Education Training Program held at Peking University School of Government in Beijing (China) with two curricula: 1) Summer Institute on Climate Change and Environmental Protection (SICCEP) and 2) Summer Institute on Intellectual Property Rights and China (IP-China).

Read more: Summer Law Institute Suzhou