
Spring DSG -2017 session is over!

Law Institute has new graduates of DSG program (German-language course of study “German Law”)

Since 6.03.2017 till 11.03.2017 scientific employees of Passau University Leonard Schmitz and Andreas Scheibenpflüg held a course “German Civil law”, and since 13.03.2017 till 18.03.2017 Peter Kerlings and Ulrich Gatsk held a course "Commercial (merchant) law, the right of societies created on the basis of private law, labor law".  Upon completion of passed disciplines third-year students of Comparative law department of Law Institute and non-resident student from Irkutsk had exams. This was a final session of DSG program.

Read more: Spring DSG -2017 session is over!

“Eco-Jurist” seminar in Law Institute

Ecological centre on defending rights “Bellona” with support of European Union conducts a seminar “Eco-Jurist” on 24-25 of April, 2017 in Law Institute SFU.

Within the seminar students of Law Institute will have an opportunity to improve their knowledge on ecological law and to practice obtained skills for protection and preservation of environment. On the seminar the experts of “Bellona” centre will share their experience in protection of ecological rights of the citizens, will give some advice for meaning independent business, and also will help students to navigate in upcoming ecological law business orientation. Participants will be engaged in discussions, individual and group activities.

Read more: “Eco-Jurist” seminar in Law Institute

Lectures of Professor S. Domaradskiy

Open lectures of S. Domaradskiy – Lazarskiy University professor (Poland, Warsaw) were held from 13 till 16 of February, 2017 in Law Institute of Siberian Federal University.

The lectures were organized within the frameworks of “International relations” partnership development. The students were hearing the lectures of professor Domaradskiy on the discipline “European integration and relations between EU and Russia”. The students have noticed that the lectures were informative and thought provoking. Professor also succeeded in captivating the students with a discussion about EU, relations between EU and Russia perspectives. Further work on the discipline is also meant to be conducted with S. Domaradskiy assistance. At the end of March a round table discussion in a form of videoconference with Lazarskiy University will be organized. There the students of LI SFU will have a chance to introduce their reports and presentations to S. Domaradskiy.

Read more: Lectures of Professor S. Domaradskiy

Lectures in Gdanskuy University

From 27 of February till 11 of March head of international law department of Law Institute SFU was in Gdanskuy University (the Republic of Poland) within implementation of inter-university agreement, where she was reading a course of lectures. The course of lectures «International Investment Law and Russian Investment Policy» was suggested as an optional course for students of each department, studying on law and management faculty in Gdanskuy University.

Read more: Lectures in Gdanskuy University

Scientifically-practical seminar in the Central Investigation Department of Investigation Committee of Russian Federation on Krasnoyarsk region

Regional scientifically-practical seminar was organized by Central Investigation Department of Investigation Committee on Krasnoyarsk region for the investigators of the Major Case Squad, the region Heads of Investigation subdivisions.

First time the organizers of the seminar have reserved 12 seats for Law Institute SFU students. Criminal procedure and criminology department sent 2nd year Master course students studying “Justice in criminal cases”, 4th year bachelor course students, and also students, working as public assistants of investigators. These lawyers-to-be are being prepared for their future career as Investigators, Prosecutors, Judges.

Read more: Scientifically-practical seminar in the Central Investigation Department of Investigation...