
Law clinic 2016 results

The law clinic of the Law Institute of SFU totaled up their activity in 2016. You may have a look at quantitative indicators here (Russian).

The law clinic launches and wins. New victories and new honorary mentions come.

Not so much time pasted since the last news about the victories of Krasnoyarsk Law Clinic came out . Once again new victories and new honorary mentions come.

Due to work of Ekaterina Hornyak and her curator Sergey Gutnik the legitimate interests of minor child, whose father evaded from acknowledgement of paternity and from maintenance obligations respectively (to see history of case), were safeguarded.

Read more: The law clinic launches and wins. New victories and new honorary mentions come.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

Organizers from the Supreme Court of Russian Federation invited personally a number of court heads of subjects of Russian Federation and the group of scientists, who are the specialists in the sphere of criminal and criminal procedure law, to All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Criminal and criminal procedure legislation: main problems of application and development directions” on 2 March, 2017. The Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Law Institute SFU, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor A.D. Nazarov took part in this scientific and practical forum under the instruction of the director of the Law Institute of SFU, the Doctor of Law, Professor I.V. Shishko.

Read more: All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

What is not taught at Law Institutes?

Many things. Unless it is the Law Institute of SFU. On Saturday morning, 4th of March, students of master program “A lawyer in a court trial” gather together with the versed couches of professional skills – the lawyers of Lawyers Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

It is about the technique of negotiation. No, it is not about drafting contracts. The students of master program will face to this procedure later by studying certain subject. We are talking about the activity, which gives a lawyer an opportunity to get a material that will look like a legal document in the end. Howandwhencedidthismaterialcomefrom?

Read more: What is not taught at Law Institutes?

6th Makarenko’s readings

It’s worth noting founders Makarenko’s readings founders: director of Kansk Juvenile reformatory school V.A.Karapchuk, the president of Krasnoyarsk territory Makarenko’s association V.V.Bibikova (thereat – deputy of Krasnoyarsk territory Legislative Assembly), PhDs, assistant professors from the Teacher Training Institute M.V.Minova and V.A.Minov, N.F.Yakovleva and N.Y. Safonaova from Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university (named after V.P.Astafiev), head of the Social work department, Law Institute (SFU) N.A.Nikitina and head of the project “Step forward” A.D.Nazarov.

Read more: 6th Makarenko’s readings