
Premium for young talents from the head of Oktyabrsky district administration in 2016

We invite students, graduate students and staff of SFU to participate in the contest for the Prize of the head of administration of Oktyabrsky district in the Krasnoyarsk city for young talent in 2016.

The annual prize is awarded to talented young people under the age of 30 years who excelled in various fields and contributed to the development of Oktyabrsky district.

Read more: Premium for young talents from the head of Oktyabrsky district administration in 2016

Preparing educational-themed departure of students and teachers law Institute of the SFU in Kansk children's colony

The Department of criminal procedure initiated the preparation of the trip with a socially important purpose in the sponsored Kansk educational colony.

Thematic departure preparing the project of the Legal clinic the law Institute of the SFU "the Step forward". This new year departure of our students (especially students of 2nd year within the framework of the discipline "law Enforcement") to Kansk 27 December (Sunday) by SFU bus: departure at 7.00 from the Law Institute of the SFU, return to Krasnoyarsk at 22: 00. Visit children's specialized penal institution assumes acquaintance of students with  everyday life of pupils of the KVK, the study of technologies of personnel work of KVK with juvenile offenders, meetings with juvenile offenders and engaging them in conversations, consultations, educational-themed activities. Participants are expected to travel together in groups, and will acquire in the order of charity on the eve of the New 2016 will give the inmates of the colony educational and Board games, educational themed literature (classics, etc., reference books, encyclopedias in the library), computer games and programs, movies are educational topics for colony theater, etc.

Read more: Preparing educational-themed departure of students and teachers law Institute of the SFU in Kansk...

Convincing victory for the students of Law Institute SFU in the annual national competition "ECO-LAWYER"!

In the VII federal competition "ECO-LAWYER 2015", held from 1 April to 1 November 2015, the students of Law Institute of SFU has shown the best results.

Among the winners the following students of 3rd year:

1st place – Evtyugina A. V.;

2nd place – Kolpakova E. A.;

3rd place – Shinkevich D. S.

Read more: Convincing victory for the students of Law Institute SFU in the annual national competition...

Over a series of classes with the 4th year students of day time Department of the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University within the framework of discipline "Lawyer in criminal proceedings".

Students who had this discipline chosen, was offered several trainings related to the development of basic vocational legal skills. This time it was decided to stop, first, on the ability to conduct effective judicial interrogation, and, second, on developing the skills legal skills, formulating and reasoning legal position in the case.

Training was provided by attorneys, are experienced trainers of the Institute for training of lawyers the lawyer chamber of Krasnoyarsk region and teachers of the master's program "Lawyer in litigation" by P. D. I. Kireev and I.A. Khoroshev.

Read more: Over a series of classes with the 4th year students of day time Department of the Law Institute...

4th year student of Law institute of SFU Veniamin Atamanov took third place in the Federal competition of scientific works "the Mission of law in the twenty-first century" in criminal law section

The first federal competition of scientific works was devoted to the celebration of lawyert's Day and the day of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and timed to the celebration of 85 anniversary of the Saratov state Academy of law.

V. Atamanov made the research under the guidance of candidate of law, associate Professor of criminal law S. I. Bushmin on the topic "To the question about criteria of differentiation of terms of exculpation of a conviction", has successfully passed the qualifying stage and was invited to the oral defense, which took place on December 3, 2015 in Saratov state Academy of law. In the section on criminal law the oral stage of research works have conducted more than 20 participants – representatives of major law schools in Russia. In General, it is worth noting the extremely wide geography of participants: Moscow state law University named after O. E. Kutafin, St. Petersburg state University, Ural state law University, North-Caucasus Federal University, Kuban state University Kursk state University, North Ossetian state University. K. L. Khetagurov, Dagestan state University, Bashkir state University, Novosibirsk state University, Nizhny Novgorod state University. Of Nizhny Novgorod, Syktyvkar state University named after Pitirim Sorokin, Leningrad state University. A. S. Pushkin, Omsk state University, Penza state University, Saint Petersburg law Institute (branch) "Academy of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Voronezh state University, Omsk Academy of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia, Ural juridical Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Rostov legal Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs Ufa law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, etc.

Read more: 4th year student of Law institute of SFU Veniamin Atamanov took third place in the Federal...