
Seminar: Sociological Tools for Legal Studies

Modern legal research is not conceived as an exclusively legal. The interdisciplinary approach requires the researcher in the field of the right to own instruments different from other areas of the humanities. And even more so a researcher cannot renounce the use of sociological tools. Unfortunately, the latter is restricted to lawyers often only compilation of questionnaires and their generalization that cannot be found to be satisfactory from a scientific point of view.

In order to improve the quality of researches at SFU Law Institute held a seminar at 10/28/2015 on the use of sociological tools in legal studies. The seminar bylaizvestny sociologist and researcher of the law enforcement system of Russia, head of the research programs of the Fund "Public Verdict" - Novikov Hasmik Eduardovna. The seminar was attended master’s program "lawyer in the trial," the first and second courses, as well as post-graduate students of the Department of Criminal Procedure and the future graduates of the same department.

Read more: Seminar: Sociological Tools for Legal Studies

Representatives of the legal community were awarded letters of thanks from the rector of SFU EA Vaganova

Overweight and productive cooperation of the legal community of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with the system of legal education and science has been going on for several years. Lawyers different lawyer formations involved in the implementation of the master's program "The lawyer in the trial," lead classes in Bachelor of Law Institute of the Siberian Federal University, participate in scientific events.

Read more: Representatives of the legal community were awarded letters of thanks from the rector of SFU EA...

The Law Institute held the first Russian legal school of young scientists

Law Institute with the participation of the Institute of Humanities and the Institute of architecture and design of SFU with the support of SFU Krasnoyarsk Regional Branch of the Association of Lawyers of Russia, the company "Garant" on 17-18 September 2015 for the first time held Yenisei law school of young scientists.

The first school was devoted to the theme "Preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia." The basic idea underlying the concept of school - to create conditions for scientific communication through cross disciplinary approach, the exchange of ideas of young scientists, promotion of the Siberian legal science and the idea of ​​preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia.

Read more: The Law Institute held the first Russian legal school of young scientists

Meeting on the criminal process continues.

Young researchers have hard times these days. The flow of information it requires fast processing, separating the useful from the useless, and the variety of sources makes them lost. Meanwhile, in science, especially humanitarian, there is always a need for discussion of reading proposed, accumulated in the critical attitude to the latter.

Here and there is help for students, undergraduates and graduate students whose area of ​​research is the criminal process: scientific society dedicated to the specified area of ​​law has been working for more than four years. Organized primarily at the initiative of the students there is a circle with the support and scientific guidance of Doctor of Laws, professor of criminal procedure A. Barabash, Ph.D., senior lecturer A.A Brester.

Read more: Meeting on the criminal process continues.

Graduates of Comparative Law Department - employees of large international companies!

Grigorieva Maria - a graduate of CLD in 2014, in 2015 graduated from the master's program in European Business Law of the University of Nijmegen (Netherlands). It works in the Transfer Pricing Associates Global - at the head office in Amsterdam. Partners and representatives of the company are scattered over 60 countries, and Russia is a partner of Pepeliaev groups.