
The round table with English experts

Last week the Human rights organization of the Law Institute lecturers and students held the discussion with participation of the Amnesty International researchers Heather McGill and Natalia Prilutskaya.

Read more: The round table with English experts

Sixth readings of Makarenko

Once every two years with the active participation of the Law Institute of SFU Russian scientific-practical conference is held in the Krasnoyarsk region. It is devoted to creative scientific understanding of pedagogical heritage of Makarenko A.S. in working with "difficult" teenagers.

This year, March 16th -18th, the conference brought together more than 150 participants from the whole region. Plenary part of the conference was broadcasted online on the Krasnoyarsk region’s Institute of Professional Educators website. Keynote speeches at the plenum were made by well-known Russian specialists in Markarenko’s works such as Bibikova V.V., Yakovleva N.F., Minov V.A. (Krasnoyarsk), Kushnir A.M. and Danilin E.M. (Moscow, respectively - the editor in chief of the "Education" magazine and leading researcher of the Scientific Research Institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia). Apart from participants of Krasnoyarsk region, there were delegations of employees of educational colonies of the Primorsky region, the Republic of Bashkorstan, Novosibirsk region, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

Read more: Sixth readings of Makarenko

New social project of the Committee

The Law Institute (SFU) students’ and professors’ human rights organization “Public Committee on the Protection of Human Rights” has won grant in territorial contest of social and cultural projects. The contest was carried out by Krasnoyarsk territory Ministry of Culture.

Project was developed by staff of Kansk Juvenile reformatory school lead by Law Institute (SFU) graduate E.V.Tarakina, who is now social worker in Kansk Juvenile reformatory school, and assistant professor, PhD A.D.Nazarov, head of criminal procedure chair, Law Institute (SFU).

Read more: New social project of the Committee

Seminar for investigators

On the 26 of March 2016 in the Main Investigation Directorate in Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russian Federation took place a research-and-practice seminar for investigators.

It was carried out by candidate of law, docent, head of the Criminal Procedure Department, the member of Public Council and Science Advisory Board of MID IC in Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russia A.D. Nazarov. The subject of study was: “Prognostication, detection, elimination and prevention of investigative mistakes”.

Read more: Seminar for investigators

Congratulations to the team of Siberian Federal University Law Institute with the successful passing to the intramural stage!

The intramural stage of Competition on international humanitarian law named after Martens will be held in Moscow on 18-22 April. The Law Institute team, which consists of a group of students YUYU-1306BMIP Darya Shinkevich, Anastasia Kondratenko and Vasiliy Zobnin successfully passed the eliminatory stage. They will be able to present our university at intramural stage in Moscow.

Read more: Congratulations to the team of Siberian Federal University Law Institute with the successful...