
Anti-corruption intellectual game "Who? Where? How much?" was held at the law Institute of the SFU in celebration of the international day against corruption

9 December 2015 at the Law Institute of Siberian Federal University anti-corruption student club at SFU, together with the Administration of Krasnoyarsk territory Governor on security, prevention of corruption and other offences, the Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk region and the Club of intellectual games, SFU was the anti-corruption held Intellectual game "Who? Where? How much?".

The event was timed to the International day against corruption, which was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 2003 (on this day, was opened for signature the UN Convention against corruption).

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The law Institute of the Siberian Federal University signed an agreement on cooperation in science, education and practice in the direction of "Jurisprudence" with the Commissioner for protection of entrepreneurs ' rights in the Krasnoyarsk territory

8 December, 2015 the agreement on cooperation in science, education and practice in the direction of "Jurisprudence" was signed by the Director of the Law Institute SFU I. V. Shishko and the Commissioner for protection of entrepreneurs ' rights in the Krasnoyarsk territory S. V. Russkiy.

In accordance with the agreement, the parties agreed on the organization and holding of joint scientific and scientific-practical round tables and other events on issues of law enforcement and modern scientific doctrines (concepts) in the sphere of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. The agreement provides that the Ombudsman for protection of entrepreneurs ' rights in the Krasnoyarsk territory will attract legal scholars for advice on pressing practical problems in the field of protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. In turn, the specialists of the office of the Commissioner will participate in the improvement of educational programs in the state final examination.

Master class on Protocol

In the framework of the course "Diplomatic and consular law" for 3rd year students of "International relations" held a master class on Protocol. Diplomatic Protocol is an important political tool of diplomacy, its use is always to some extent affected the relations between States or officials.

At the invitation of the course instructor candidate of law, associate Professor V. V. Tereshkova, the master class was held by the Deputy head of Administration of Oktyabrsky district of Krasnoyarsk Darya Igorevna Gavro. Darya Igorevna over 7 years was directly involved in the organization of international and public activities of the mayor of Krasnoyarsk, monitoring compliance with state Protocol.

Read more: Master class on Protocol

The team of law Institute of SFU was ranked second in fedeal student law Olympiad for young lawyers named after Professor V. A. Udintsev in the fuel and energy complex

05 November 2015 hosted the Final of the all-Russian student law Olympiad for young lawyers named after Professor V. A. Udintsev in the fuel and energy complex (hereinafter – FEC). Olympics FEC established far Eastern Federal University, Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state legal Academy. O. E. Kutafin, National research Saratov state University. N. G. Chernyshevskogo, St. Petersburg state University, Siberian Federal University, Ural state law Academy, Southern Federal University and is held under the auspices of the Association of lawyers of Russia with support of JSC "Gazprom Neft".

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The Krasnoyarsk team at school for clinicians in Moscow.

23-25 October 2015 in Moscow was held a "School for  clinicians 2015" - a traditional annual event dedicated to the skills of working in a legal clinic. Co-organizers of the School were made by the Center of development of legal clinics and the Moscow office of the American bar Association.

By tradition, the coaches at the School were the leading experts in the field of clinical legal education from all over Russia. Trainers this year were made by Voskobitova M. R., Sotnikov A. B., M. D. Kaniewski, Zipunnikova J. N., Lukyanova I. N., Patulin G. S., Sidorov R. A., Trubnikova T. V.

Read more: The Krasnoyarsk team at school for clinicians in Moscow.