
Lawyers in the educational process

Department of Criminal Procedure attaches great importance to the participation of the lawyers in the educational process in the Law Institute of SFU.

Department of Criminal Procedure is closely working with the Department of the Bar (Head of Department - PhD, assistant professor, the lawyer of the Bar of the Krasnoyarsk "Shpagin and partners", a member of the Bar Council of the Krasnoyarsk Region I.S.Bogdanova).

Read more: Lawyers in the educational process

Activists of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU attended scientific and practical seminar "Fighting corruption: the role of public councils under the public authorities"

15 of October, 2015 Activists of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU attended scientific and practical seminar "Fighting corruption: the role of public councils under the public authorities" which was held in the International Exhibition and Business Center "Siberia". The representatives of the Governor's Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Region, law enforcement agencies, public organizations of the region, as well as representatives of research institutions and the business community took part in this event.

The main focus of the discussion was the role of civil society in preventing and combating corruption.

Read more: Activists of the Anti-Corruption student club SFU attended scientific and practical seminar...

Discussing a prison reform

October 22, 2015 on the initiative of the Department of Criminology and deliktology, the criminal proceedings in the Legal Institute of SFU students of the master's program "Juvenile law and juvenile justice" discussed the current issue of reforming the penal system of Russia in the context of juvenile offenders serving sentences.

As an expert and moderator of the discussion led the head of the international projects of the Moscow branch of the organization "Penal Reform International" (PRI) Alla Yakovlevna Pokras.

Read more: Discussing a prison reform

Round table "25 years of antitrust regulation in Russia: legal practice and development trends"

September 24, 2015 under the Yenisei political and legal readings round table "Antitrust regulation in Russia 25 years: legal practice and development trends." This roundtable coincided with the celebration in Moscow of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the antitrust authorities.

The moderators of the round table were the chief of the Office of the fight against cartels, FAS Russia A.P Tenishev (a graduate of the Law Institute of SFU) and Deputy Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory E.L Luzhbin.

Read more: Round table "25 years of antitrust regulation in Russia: legal practice and development trends"

Scientific group of Environmental Studies: Proceedings of the 2014/2015 academic year

In the 2014/2015 academic year, teachers of the department of labor and environmental law SFU Law Institute was held scientific society on environmental studies with the support of the Department of International Law Faculty of SFU. Meetings are held monthly scientific circle, starting from March 2015.

The structure of the group includes law students of the 3rd year and one student of the Polytechnic Institute of SFU. Interest in the study of environmental issues among students due to the presence of acute environmental problems in the Russian Federation.

Read more: Scientific group of Environmental Studies: Proceedings of the 2014/2015 academic year