
Aniversary Days of Legal Science in “Yenisei Political-legal readings”

Our science days are devoted to fascinating date this time - 60 years anniversary of Siberian Federal University Law School. Further events are planned: International social-legal congress, Enisey school of young scientists, scientific forums, discussion areas, round tables, lectures of visiting professors and guests of honor.


  1. Krasnoyarsk regional department of Russian lawyers association
  2. Ministry of economic development and investment policy of Krasnoyarsk region
  3. Department of Federal antitrust service of Krasnoyarsk region
  5. Publishing house «Prospect»
  6. Magazine «Nalogoved»
  7. Magazine «Competition and law»
  8. Informational center «Iskra»
  9. Magazine «Actual problems of Russian law»

Read more: Aniversary Days of Legal Science in “Yenisei Political-legal readings”

Yenisei Law School for Young Scientists

For the first time Law School of the Siberian Federal University with the support of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Lawyers’ Association of Russia will be held Yenisei law school of young scientists. Yenisei Law School will be held 17-18 September 2015 in the framework of the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Law Institute.

The main topic of the Yenisei law school of young scientists is the "Preservation of cultural heritage of Siberia", the goal - to organize scientific communication through interdisciplinary approach, the exchange of ideas between young scientists, the promotion of the Siberian legal science and the idea of ​​preservation of Siberian cultural heritage. There will be series of interactive lectures, work in small groups, workshops in the following areas:

Read more: Yenisei Law School for Young Scientists

Congratulations on successfully passing an international examination in legal English (ILEC)

Congratulations to the students of the Comparative Law Department, Anna Tarasova, Kapustin Roman, Andrei Konstantinov and Olga Sablina, who successfully passed the international examination in legal English ILEC (International Legal English Certificate). ILEC Exam provides an objective independent assessment of ownership professional English level B2 (Upper-Intermediate) / C1 (Advanced) for lawyers in international law. The certificate is widely recognized by international companies, professional associations and government agencies in Europe.

Read more: Congratulations on successfully passing an international examination in legal English (ILEC)

SFU Law Institute student took part in the international program of the Academy of Public Diplomacy «ESC Diplomacy education»

At the end of April 2015 3rd year student of the "International Relations" department, Anna Bezyazykova, participated in the international program of the Academy of Public Diplomacy «ESC Diplomacy education», which took place in France on the basis of the UNESCO headquarters and the American University of Paris. The program included: participation in the work of the commission to UNESCO for the global challenges of the International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI), attendance at the American University in Paris and the negotiations with the French non-governmental organizations in the field of education within the framework of initiation educational processes in the Eurasian space.

Read more: SFU Law Institute student took part in the international program of the Academy of Public...

The program of the Master Day of the Siberian Federal University Law Institute

The program of the Master Day of the Siberian Federal University Law Institute which will be held on 22, May 2015, 10-00

Welcoming speech - Gutnik Sergei I., coordinator of Master's programs of SFU Law Institute, Art. Lecturer of the Department of Criminology and deliktology.

Read more: The program of the Master Day of the Siberian Federal University Law Institute