
II Siberian anti-corruption forum with international participation “Relevant problems of anticorruption enlightenment and anticorruption education”

II Siberian anti-corruption forum with international participation  “Relevant problems of anticorruption enlightenment and anticorruption education” will be organized by Law institute and Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university together with Administration of Governor for Krasnoyarskii area and Civil assembly of Krasnoyarskii area.

Dates: 15-16 of September 2016th .

Key topics of the forum:

  • anti-corruption education as an integral part of the prevention of corruption;
  • correlation of anti-corruption education, training, informing, propaganda and other means of increasing anti-corruption culture of society;
  • content of forms and methods of anti-corruption education, criteria of effectiveness of its use;
  • using in anti-corruption educational programs means and anti-corruption informing, propaganda and other means;
  • features of anti-corruption education of civil (municipal) servants;
  • professional requirements for subjects of anti-corruption education;
  • crowdsourcing in  anti-corruption education;
  • role of  officials of Personnel Management Service who are responsible for prevention of corruption and other offenses in the process of anti-corruption education;
  • sharing best practices of organization of anti-corruption education;
  • role of law enforcement agencies in realization of anti-corruption education;
  • role of civil society in anti-corruption education;
  • role of mass media in anti-corruption education;
  • experience of foreign countries in anti-corruption education;
  • anti-corruption self-education.

As part of the forum will be a presentation of Anti-corruption educational methodical complex for educational system of Krasnoyarskii area.

To take part in forum you need up to 5 of September 2016th to go through online registration on the web-site of Law institute  of Siberian Federal University:

Programme of the forum will be placed on the web-site of Law institute of Siberian Federal University:

Place: campus of Siberian Federal University (information about room will be placed in the Programme of forum a bit later).

Contacts: 8 (3912) 206-23-28, e-mail:


Kseniya Sukhareva - Assistant Research Fellow of Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university,

Andrew Konstantinov - Assistant Research Fellow of Centre of corruption and legal expertise of Siberian federal university,

SFU LS conducts traditional summer law school

With great pleasure SFU LS conducted traditional summer law school again.

Participants from several countries and cities  will dive into challenging world of Russian law, and for foreign guest to study Russian language also. We intentionally «concealed» geography of our participants, after all it’s a landmark event that we didn't lose invited guests and lecturers but significant increase of a scale of our event. Apart of invited docents from Passau University (Germany), our colleagues from Coventry University Kuper Aaron Martin and Lou Daniel Mathieu joined us this year. Tendency in diversification among participating students can be observed – along with German students, who came to Siberia to study basics or Russian law, three students from Oshsk University – Kubatov Nurdamir, Omurzakov Mirsaduk, Murzakulov Talgat came for the same purpose.

This year program became even more intense and deep. Future prosecutors, advocates and judges will have three directions of activity. Russian students from German-speaking comparative law department group are to pass a course of basics of German law in a framework of DSG, English speaking group will traditionally practice with Anglo-Saxon specialists. German students will work with graduates of DSG program on criminal, constitutional and civil law, and will learn Russian language as always.

Cultural part of the School includes numerous excursion to Legislative assembly of Krasnoyarsk region, in the National History Museum, Surikov Museum, a trip to the "Stolby" in "Beaver Log" and the museum named after V. Astafieva in the village Ovsyanka. Of course informal communication between participants is always in place, and we hope it will add positive emotions to a pleasant atmosphere of the School.

German and Kirgiz students note that Krasnoyarsk is a city of contrasts. Modern city infrastructure neighbours with old buildings, that support image of a centuries-old culture of the city. Students recalls reflected their wish to visit “Stolby” reserve many more times, students also enjoyed their trip to memorial complex named after V. Astafiev in Ovsyanka village.

We’ve already introduced our Kirgiz students, now we would like to pay attention to  our German guests. 15 German students from all over Germany came this year. It’s important to mention that long standing tradition of Passau been the most represented city been broken this year more that successfully. Only 6 students represent our partner university. Other participants are from Bonn Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Marburg, Frankfurt and Darmstadt.

Krasnoyarsk Summer Law School only grows in popularity. Kirgiz students noted that after such warm welcome in a centre of Siberia Law University students and professors are welcome in every university all over the world. We will do our best to maintain our high standards!

We would like to notice that students were prepared to lectures of professors Couper Aaron Martin and Law Daniel Mathieu from Coventry university due to the course “International-legal aspects of theory of theory of human rights in English language (taught by V. Tereshkova).

The International Office would like to thank all the teachers who participate in the organization and holding of the Summer School - 2015: Anna Teplyakova, Mikhailova Maria Vasilyeva Anna Fedotovna, Gabov Alexander, Dmitriev Ivan, Jacobi Germany, Metelkin Andrew, Bozhenova Mary, pluck Peter, as well as students of this 3 courses OSB German-speaking sub-group for the cooperation and responsiveness in the international department.

Legal Clinic: a victory in Moscow

The second International Olympiad for students of legal clinics "Professional skills of a lawyer" was carried outon 15-17 of May in Moscow. 47 students of legal clinics in 27 Russian and CIS universities attended it.

Students and trainers from Belarus and 18 Russian regions (Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Republic of Tatarstan, Chechen Republic, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnodar region and the following areas: Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Voronezh, Nizhegorodets, Novgorod, Orenburg, Ryazan, Rostov, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tyumen) have arrived to the event.

Read more: Legal Clinic: a victory in Moscow

15 years anniversary of German speaking program DSG “German law on German language

Series of scientific events dedicated to 15 years anniversary of German-speaking program DSG German law on German language will be conducted from 22 till 24 September 2016.

About DSG program

DSG program is on of successful and unique educational projects of SFU LS and Passau University, it is realized with support of German service of academic exchanges (DAAD). Specialists and scientific workers from German universities have courses with students twice per year (spring and autumn sessions). Constitutional, criminal, civil and administrative law are taught in German. Not only students from SFU LS, but students from Barnaul, Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Omsk participate also. Aim of this program – give Russian students opportunity to deepen their knowledge’s of German language and acquire knowledge about different branches of German law. Students have an opportunity to continue their study in Passau university after successful accomplishment of the program and competition. A lot of great specialist were taught for practical and scientific activity thanks to 15 years of the program. Graduates of the program are distinguished no only by their knowledge of German language and two legal systems, but skills of intercultural communication, that are priceless in a modern world first of all.

Read more: 15 years anniversary of German speaking program DSG “German law on German language

Second place in the final of the International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition

On May 27th, 2016 Law Institute of Siberian Federal University won the second place in the final of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Court Competition, Russian version, held in Courtroom II of the new ICC premises in The Hague (the Netherlands). Lomonosov Moscow State University became the first and Kazan Federal University came in third. Members of the winning team were Anastasia Evtyugina, Daria Kazachkova, Anastasia Mikhaleva and team coach PhD, Valentina V. Tereshkova.

On the judge’s bench were ICC Judge Bertram Schmitt, presiding, Special Assistant to the ICC President Philipp Ambach and Legal Officer Rebecca Young.

Read more: Second place in the final of the International Criminal Court Moot Court Competition